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Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary teacher. Now he has written over 50 books and has won loads of awards.
Some of his books held in the Library are: Private Peaceful, Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea, War Horse, Kensuke's Kingdom, and The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips.
Out of the ashes by Michael Morpurgo. Out of the ashes is about a young girl called Becky her aunty and uncle bought her a diary. Becky's diary started on January 1st and ended on 30th April.
My favourite charactor is Becky because she wrote on her diary but published it aswell.
I woould reccommend it to people like my sister because she like books that involve diaries
Dear Olly by Michael Morpurgo
As Olly waits for her brothers letters,she watches the swallows preparing to leave for Africa. Hero the one that they saved from the cat is last to leave.Hero starts his long journey to Africa not knowing the terrible dangers he will meet on the way,where storms,birds of prey,snakes,nets and sheer exhaustion will therten to end his young life.
When Matt sees the children in the African orphanage-sick,injured and lonely-he knows he's made the right decision,but he never could have dreamt of what was going to happen to him there.
I thought that the book was okay,it was quite short and I think it could have been a bit longer.Hero the swallow was my favourite character because he is young,brave and could survive anything.
I think that the book would be suitable for anyone from eight to about thirteen because there is never any swearing or bloodshed.
The book I read was called "long way home" written by Michael Morpurgo.
The book is about a boy called George who is a foster child,and the Dyer family who take foster children for the summer holidays.George becomes like one of the family especialy with Tom (the son of Mr and Mrs Dyer) and Storme the daughter of Mr and Mrs Dyer).Mrs Dyer has an accident and has to go to hospital. Mr Dyer then thinks that he can't look after the children and the farm at the same time so he George back and Storme and Tom to their Grans.
George runs away from the foster house and goes back to the farm.
I liked this book because it is the sort of book I would read again.There isn't really a bad point to this book it was all good.I would say this book is suitable for 10-13 year olds older people might get of reading it.
I would read this book again after a while.
Why the Whales Came
By Micheal Morpurgo
Gracie and Daniel are best friends. They love to make and sail boats. A man called the Birdman leaves them messages in the sand. They make a boat for the Bidman. Gracie's dad goes off to the war to fight the Germans. The Birdman gives Gracie and her mum honey and things to keep them going. Gracie's dad returns from the war. Gracie looks after the Birdman's goats and his dog Prince.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was quite hard to stop reading the book. I would read this book again because it was so good. My favouritwe character was Gracie because she was really adventrous. I think that this book is suitablefor children aged 9+. I think that it is suitable for this age because there is some difficult words in this book. I think that most of my friends would like it. I think that it depends on what people like to read.
My favourite part of the book was when Gracie's dad returned from the war because it gives you a really happy feeling.
Friend or Foe.
By Michael Morpurgo.
It's about two boys called Tucky and Davey.Who are evacuated to the coast.While they're there they see and hear a German plane which is a German plane!They tell Mr Reynolds and Ann they get all the home guards to search they never find anyone.
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