The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
Monday, August 18, 2008
Level 3 - Fiction Book Of Your Choice
Use this space to post reviews of any fiction book from the Library. Just click on Comments!
Remember to include the book title and author at the start of your review and sign off with your name.
ambergill <3.
The book i have recently read in class was called ' Vicky Angel ' by Jaqueline Wilson. The book is about two girls called Vicky and Jade. They were arguing then Vicky got hit by a car. She later on dies. Vickys ghost comes back and annoy's Jade all the time. Jade then finds out that her mum is seeing another man that has a wife and two kids. At the end Jade tries to kill herself but Vicky saves her. I thought this book was really good. I loved the way Jade changed. She was all shy at the beginning but just ignored Vicky at the end and been her true self. My favourite bit was when jade was in drama and she walked up to Sam and asked him if he wanted to be her partner because she showed everyone she wan a nice girl. I would recommend this book to girls between 13 and 18 because they are teenegers themselves and will understand it. All of Jaqueline Wilson's books are really good but out af all of them i liked this one the most. I know how it is to loose a bestfriend so i understand it a lot. I will read more of her books and see if i enjoy them like i did with this one.
The book is about two children Laura and Patrick. they are professional skaters and are going to montrael for a competition. patrick unfortunately breaks his leg and is unable to skate. laura then goes to a public skatin session and finds a boy who is a very good freestyle skater. at the beginning when the boy daniel is asked by laura to skate he refuses because he says its the kind of thing girls do, not boys. he wants to say yes but is frightened of what his friends will say. in the end he says yes and laura then takes him to meet the coach 'vera'. at the beginning and doesnt want him to be her partner, then she realises how good he is and allows him to skate. when they begin training daniel wants to quit because he doesnt like vera shouting at him but then he learns shes only trying to get the best of him. when it is time to go to motrael for the competition they go but dont tell anyone what their dance is going to be. when they get on the ice they perform a hip hop routine and the crowd love it. when the results come they dont think they will get a good score but they get first place. they also get told that they will be remembered in skating history. i think the book is excellent because i do skating and i think its a very good story.
After 'Kick Off' and 'Shoot to Win' Dan Freedman's latest addition to the Jamie Johnson series is his finest yet. With a gripping storyline and in depth character development, 'Golden Goal' is a must read for anyone and everyone. The combination of simple but highly effective language and dialogue appeals to all age groups. This book is not only about football, it also deals with a range of issues including friendships, heartbreak and betrayal. It also deals with Jamie's journey in life both on and off the pitch whilst projecting a message of hope and fulfilling dreams. If you haven't read this book, then what are you waiting! Go out and buy a copy now or you could be caught OFFSIDE! It's a pure joy to read! I can't wait for the next book and Dan Freedman really does want us 'to come back for more.'
the book i have recently read is called ' Zodiac Girl ' by Cathy Hopkins. this book is about a girl that gets everything she wants and she is spoilt. her name is Leonora Hedly-Dent. she thinks shes going to france but instead she is taken to boot camp and it all spooky and dirty. Leonora has to stay there for a whole monthand for about three weeks she gives them grief. But then she realises that her sister is dead and she has to get on and stop holding everybody back from there life. when she gets back home on new years day shes extremely kind to everyone. i like the book because it shows you how a nasty and selfish girl can turn out to be a nice and kind girl. this character i liked most was Leonore because when she was told to grow up she listened and was nice to everyone. this book is most suitable for teenage girls because they go through a stage when they are selfish and it shows you to respect more people for who they are. i enjoyed this book. i prefere books that i understand rather than having to read a book you dont like. If Cathy Hopkins has other books like that one i would like tio read them.
the book i read was called 'hellbent' by Anthony Mcgowan . it is about called Connor and his dog Scrote . Connor gets chased by Scrote for his mars bar (Scote loves chocolate) , then as Scrote is chasing Connor he gets knocked down by and ice cream van . then Connor is waiting in a line and theres alot of people there and some that look really messed up like with there faces are hanging off . then Connor gets to the end of the line and gets told hes going to hell for lien 3 times over the limit and when he is in hell he will be sent to the bordum room for 4,000,000 years and then will have his memory wiped and sent back to earth as a baby . as Connor is in the bordum room he has time to think and when his devil is not in he plots his escape and as his devil is taken him out for dinner he sees Scrote and he can talk . then he meets a girl called samantha and she is his angel and tells him how to get out of hell and into heaven with Scrote then the journey begins . i like this book because its very realistic i would recamend it too any one over 12 because theres swear words .
The book I have recently read read in class was 'Two weeks with the Queen' by Morris Gleitzman. The book is about Luke and Colin. Luke has cancer so Colin is sent to London to stay with his aunti Iris and his uncle Bob. He goes to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen so he can find the best doctor to cure Lukes cancer. But he is not allowed in and the guards take him away and hes not aloud back. He attemps to try and sneek in again but he always gets sent back out and when he gets home to his uncles house they go off the head and lock all the doors. Near the end he meets a man called Ted. His boyfriend is in the hospital with cancer. He is called Griff. Griff dies and Ted is devestated. Colin dores all he can to help him but hes too late. When he gets home to his uncles house he tells them all he wants to go back to austrailia and be with Luke. When he goes to see Luke he starts crying and runs over to see Luke. I really like this book because it made a lot of sense and it was really sad. I liked it when Colin went back to see Luke because it made him soo happy. I think this book is suited for teenagers and upwards because all the children wont understand the text beacause it is difficult for them too understand the cancer bit. Over all the book is really good. I would definately tell everyone to read this. I would love to look at his other books and see what there like. For all the people with cancer it would probably help them to look up and be strong.
a thrilling tale that will make you shiver out of your skin
ever been on a helicopter in a snow blizard ? , well Luke and Fin have with there parents injured they have to make there way to a place called rock to get help for there fathers and they need to do it quickly without stoping but Luke thinks that Fin cant read the air map and they end up fighting alot and when they fight they gfo to sleep straight after it and the both of them end up shatered and when they are sleep a lonley wolf end up attacking Fin bitting his ankle and hurting it so Luke has to do all the hard stuff and find and easy way fot Fin they end up finding rock and there fatheres are safe the book should be given to a reader if any age
book i have recently been reading is called Fantastic Mr Fox writen by Roal Dhal.It is about a a fox & his family.The dad goes out every night and steals chickens , Bacon , Cider and , lamb chops for his family but on night the farmers come out and hunt down the fox and tries to kill him because he always steals their food. They send diggers and tractors down the hidey hole to make a big hole of where the foxes live so they can destroy them. But they find another way of getting food by digging unerneeth the ground and coming up and grabbing food and cider. In the end everyon is envited tofoxes new home to enjoy thd biggest feas they have ever had.
The ages for the book i would say is 10 and over. I only liked the book because they tricked the farmers into stealing their food.
The Book I have recently read was called Beast quest 'Ferno the Fire Dragon'.Tere was burned Hay and Strawand homes all went on fire and the Old Man says it was a curse of Ferno the Fire Dragon so tom was picked to go on the journey yo go and report the incident to hte King . On his journey to the kings castle he passes other Towns which are also burned and up in Flames aswell but he wasn't the only one sent to the kings castle there wrer otger villagers walking and even running . when Tom reaches the castle he is hardly noticable with some other villagers so he decides to go through the kitchen door in to the castle. In the dining room he ehars crying and worried relatives of the king 'Its ferno the Fire Dragon said the King he tries to slip through the dining room to make sure he can see the King. He heard the King was looking for a new warrior to go out on the quest to defeat The Fire Dragon . So Tom volunteers and he's off on his journey . On his way through the Forrest he meets a girl called Ellena who decides she want's to help Tom On his journey . Whe tom and ellena come face to face with the dragon . What I liked about this book was that it Had alot of action In it.
the book i have reecently read is a book about aligators and crocodiles (:
One hundred and ten million years ago there were dinosaur eating monstor crocodiles :O remains of this super-crocodile saracosuchus were discovered in 1997 at the sahara desert.
The teeth of another called deinosaurus lived over 200 million years ago in North America this is one meter long hunter and dagger like teeth it was a very fast runner and swimmer.:D
Photosuchus was another ancestor of todays crocodiles sarcosuchus was a giant animal . the legnth of a bus at fifty to sixy years old the animal had reached its full legnth of eleven to twelve meters and wieghd approximatley eight tones. :|
All you have to do is find the author you have chosen from your sheet, read any info or special instructions, then click on 'Comments'.
You can then type your review or comment in the box, including the book title at the top.
Sign off by selecting 'Name' then type your full name and class in the box.
Feel free to comment on other pupils' reviews too!
Blogger of the Month
Congratulations to the pupils below who were winners and runners-up in October's Blogger of the Month competition!
S1 Winner
Molly Gladman (1Y)
S1 Runner-up
Kelsey Caldow (1B)
S2 Winner
Cassie Wright (2R)
S2 Runner-up
Shannon Alderson (2W)
Guide to a Good Review
You too could be Blogger of the Month!
Some tips for a good review are:
- Include just a little bit of plot summary - What is your personal response to the book (was it good or bad, exciting or boring, sad or happy?) - Explain why you felt this about the book. What did the authordo to make the story exciting or boring or sad or happy? - Talk about the characters, what they did and if you identified with them - Talk about the narrative style - was it written in first or third person?
The book i have recently read in class was called ' Vicky Angel ' by Jaqueline Wilson.
The book is about two girls called Vicky and Jade. They were arguing then Vicky got hit by a car. She later on dies. Vickys ghost comes back and annoy's Jade all the time. Jade then finds out that her mum is seeing another man that has a wife and two kids. At the end Jade tries to kill herself but Vicky saves her.
I thought this book was really good. I loved the way Jade changed. She was all shy at the beginning but just ignored Vicky at the end and been her true self. My favourite bit was when jade was in drama and she walked up to Sam and asked him if he wanted to be her partner because she showed everyone she wan a nice girl.
I would recommend this book to girls between 13 and 18 because they are teenegers themselves and will understand it.
All of Jaqueline Wilson's books are really good but out af all of them i liked this one the most. I know how it is to loose a bestfriend so i understand it a lot. I will read more of her books and see if i enjoy them like i did with this one.
The book is about two children Laura and Patrick. they are professional skaters and are going to montrael for a competition. patrick unfortunately breaks his leg and is unable to skate. laura then goes to a public skatin session and finds a boy who is a very good freestyle skater. at the beginning when the boy daniel is asked by laura to skate he refuses because he says its the kind of thing girls do, not boys. he wants to say yes but is frightened of what his friends will say. in the end he says yes and laura then takes him to meet the coach 'vera'. at the beginning and doesnt want him to be her partner, then she realises how good he is and allows him to skate. when they begin training daniel wants to quit because he doesnt like vera shouting at him but then he learns shes only trying to get the best of him. when it is time to go to motrael for the competition they go but dont tell anyone what their dance is going to be. when they get on the ice they perform a hip hop routine and the crowd love it. when the results come they dont think they will get a good score but they get first place. they also get told that they will be remembered in skating history. i think the book is excellent because i do skating and i think its a very good story.
After 'Kick Off' and 'Shoot to Win' Dan Freedman's latest addition to
the Jamie Johnson series is his finest yet. With a gripping storyline and in depth character development, 'Golden Goal' is a must read for anyone and everyone. The combination of simple but highly effective language and dialogue appeals to all age groups.
This book is not only about football, it also deals with a range of issues including friendships, heartbreak and betrayal. It also deals with Jamie's journey in life both on and off the pitch whilst projecting a message of hope and fulfilling dreams.
If you haven't read this book, then what are you waiting! Go out and buy a copy now or you could be caught OFFSIDE!
It's a pure joy to read! I can't wait for the next book and Dan Freedman really does want us 'to come back for more.'
the book i have recently read is called ' Zodiac Girl ' by Cathy Hopkins.
this book is about a girl that gets everything she wants and she is spoilt. her name is Leonora Hedly-Dent. she thinks shes going to france but instead she is taken to boot camp and it all spooky and dirty. Leonora has to stay there for a whole monthand for about three weeks she gives them grief. But then she realises that her sister is dead and she has to get on and stop holding everybody back from there life. when she gets back home on new years day shes extremely kind to everyone.
i like the book because it shows you how a nasty and selfish girl can turn out to be a nice and kind girl. this character i liked most was Leonore because when she was told to grow up she listened and was nice to everyone. this book is most suitable for teenage girls because they go through a stage when they are selfish and it shows you to respect more people for who they are. i enjoyed this book. i prefere books that i understand rather than having to read a book you dont like. If Cathy Hopkins has other books like that one i would like tio read them.
the book i read was called 'hellbent' by Anthony Mcgowan . it is about called Connor and his dog Scrote . Connor gets chased by Scrote for his mars bar (Scote loves chocolate) , then as Scrote is chasing Connor he gets knocked down by and ice cream van . then Connor is waiting in a line and theres alot of people there and some that look really messed up like with there faces are hanging off . then Connor gets to the end of the line and gets told hes going to hell for lien 3 times over the limit and when he is in hell he will be sent to the bordum room for 4,000,000 years and then will have his memory wiped and sent back to earth as a baby . as Connor is in the bordum room he has time to think and when his devil is not in he plots his escape and as his devil is taken him out for dinner he sees Scrote and he can talk . then he meets a girl called samantha and she is his angel and tells him how to get out of hell and into heaven with Scrote then the journey begins . i like this book because its very realistic i would recamend it too any one over 12 because theres swear words .
The book I have recently read read in class was 'Two weeks with the Queen' by Morris Gleitzman.
The book is about Luke and Colin. Luke has cancer so Colin is sent to London to stay with his aunti Iris and his uncle Bob. He goes to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen so he can find the best doctor to cure Lukes cancer. But he is not allowed in and the guards take him away and hes not aloud back. He attemps to try and sneek in again but he always gets sent back out and when he gets home to his uncles house they go off the head and lock all the doors. Near the end he meets a man called Ted. His boyfriend is in the hospital with cancer. He is called Griff. Griff dies and Ted is devestated. Colin dores all he can to help him but hes too late. When he gets home to his uncles house he tells them all he wants to go back to austrailia and be with Luke. When he goes to see Luke he starts crying and runs over to see Luke.
I really like this book because it made a lot of sense and it was really sad. I liked it when Colin went back to see Luke because it made him soo happy.
I think this book is suited for teenagers and upwards because all the children wont understand the text beacause it is difficult for them too understand the cancer bit.
Over all the book is really good. I would definately tell everyone to read this. I would love to look at his other books and see what there like. For all the people with cancer it would probably help them to look up and be strong.
a thrilling tale that will make you shiver out of your skin
ever been on a helicopter in a snow blizard ? , well Luke and Fin have with there parents injured they have to make there way to a place called rock to get help for there fathers and they need to do it quickly without stoping but Luke thinks that Fin cant read the air map and they end up fighting alot and when they fight they gfo to sleep straight after it and the both of them end up shatered and when they are sleep a lonley wolf end up attacking Fin bitting his ankle and hurting it so Luke has to do all the hard stuff and find and easy way fot Fin they end up finding rock and there fatheres are safe the book should be given to a reader if any age
book i have recently been reading is called Fantastic Mr Fox writen by Roal Dhal.It is about a a fox & his family.The dad goes out every night and steals chickens , Bacon , Cider and , lamb chops for his family but on night the farmers come out and hunt down the fox and tries to kill him because he always steals their food. They send diggers and tractors down the hidey hole to make a big hole of where the foxes live so they can destroy them. But they find another way of getting food by digging unerneeth the ground and coming up and grabbing food and cider. In the end everyon is envited tofoxes new home to enjoy thd biggest feas they have ever had.
The ages for the book i would say is 10 and over. I only liked the book because they tricked the farmers into stealing their food.
The Book I have recently read was called Beast quest 'Ferno the Fire Dragon'.Tere was burned Hay and Strawand homes all went on fire and the Old Man says it was a curse of Ferno the Fire Dragon so tom was picked to go on the journey yo go and report the incident to hte King . On his journey to the kings castle he passes other Towns which are also burned and up in Flames aswell but he wasn't the only one sent to the kings castle there wrer otger villagers walking and even running . when Tom reaches the castle he is hardly noticable with some other villagers so he decides to go through the kitchen door in to the castle. In the dining room he ehars crying and worried relatives of the king 'Its ferno the Fire Dragon said the King he tries to slip through the dining room to make sure he can see the King. He heard the King was looking for a new warrior to go out on the quest to defeat The Fire Dragon . So Tom volunteers and he's off on his journey . On his way through the Forrest he meets a girl called Ellena who decides she want's to help Tom On his journey . Whe tom and ellena come face to face with the dragon . What I liked about this book was that it Had alot of action In it.
the book i have reecently read is a book about aligators and crocodiles (:
One hundred and ten million years ago there were dinosaur eating monstor crocodiles :O
remains of this super-crocodile saracosuchus were discovered in 1997 at the sahara desert.
The teeth of another called deinosaurus lived over 200 million years ago in North America this is one meter long hunter and dagger like teeth it was a very fast runner and swimmer.:D
Photosuchus was another ancestor of todays crocodiles sarcosuchus was a giant animal . the legnth of a bus at fifty to sixy years old the animal had reached its full legnth of eleven to twelve meters and wieghd approximatley eight tones. :|
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