Monday, August 18, 2008

Level 1 - Theresa Breslin

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Theresa Breslin is an award-winning Scottish author. Before she became a writer she was a librarian, working in a mobile library. Some of her most famous books include Remembrance, Death or Glory Boys, Saskia's Journey, Medici Seal, Divided City and Whispers in the Graveyard (all of which are in the Library).

1 comment:

Robbie Campbell said...

Starship Rescue
by Theresa Breslin
This book is set in a different world and the main charcters are Sasha,Marc and Con. Marc and Con and the outsiders have been working in the Merkonium Mines for years. Con the Leader choses Marc to send an SOS to the Radio Control Station Which is never easy when there are the keepers and Jared the Keeper about. There is a really awkward twist in this story.
My favourite charactersin this are probably Marc and Sasha because the two of them are brave and courageous people who stand up for themselves.I have enjoyed this book because I like Theresa Breslin
but what I didn't like about the book was that It never made sense.
My favourite event in this book is when the starship officers come in and they arrest Jared the Keeperfor shooting a phaser at someone. This book is suitable for 7-10 year olds in my opinion. I think this is suitable for people who like space ships.