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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
the book i have been reading i n class was Goosebumps by RL STINE
the fog shimmered up over the dark grass, over the stragly trees covering the hill covering the old graveyard.
then i heard the horrifying moan throught the window i heard a long low moan floating from the hill.
human and animal a the same time
so cold
so sad
yet so close.........
This book was quite interesting and this is probably the best goosebumps book yetit is more enjoyable than the rest to read .
I think this book would be suitable for anyone who likes these sort of book.
I thought the two best charetars in the book were Frank and Buddy because they brought the funniness to the book and set the scene
Crystal Keeper
by James Jauncey
This book involves Sammie,Mum,Mick,Stepdad,Stepbrouther,Matthew,Mr Hobbs.
At first Sammie thought It had been a peculair dream that sammie already had before. She was sitting in the warm sunshine on the wall outside the vilage shop eating ice cream. It was only now In a quiet moment, that the dream had came back to her. A bit more through the story something strange happen'd and Sammie kept hearing voices saying 'saaaammie saaaammie come here'!. And lots of things with her name and lots of mysterical things happend about and to sammie. This book is a realy good book and lots of different kind of people read it. It makes you think quite deep into the story. Its very scary when you read quite a bit into the book. I would think this book would be suitable for eight year olds that like a little bit of scary stuff. Most agees would like it. Boys&Girls would enjoy this book children and adults too.
the david Beckham acadmy
I picked this book calld the david beckham academy because I am football daft.
the book was verry funny and I enjoyed reading about the way. tom the main caractor went about his time at the acadmy. he was not very nice to kate/ because he did t
think a girl snould be playing football
The book I was reading is every single fact you need to know about Helicopters.
This book is really good because it is got some really good facts in it and it is really interesting for people that are into helicopters and other michanical facts.My favourite fact is that the Royal Navys Sea Dragon is the worlds largest helicopter.I think this book is suitible for people that know quite alot about tech and engineering.I can not wait to find out about new helicopters that come out and the tech that they have got.
Will Smith
By Mark Stewart
This book is all about an actor and rapper called Will Smith. The book looks at different areas of his life like when he rapped with another DJ and they called themselves DJ Jazzy Jeff and and The Fresh Prince. Together they won the 1st ever grammy award for best rap single with their song 'Parents Just Dont Understand.' This book also tells you about his acting career and how he had his own TV show The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.
I enjoyed this book because I am a very big fan of all his up to date movies and I got to read all his Tv shows songs and different jobs he has done before.
I would recommend this book to anyone who is a big fan of Will Smith, as thats what the book about. I would also recommend this book to anyone who hasnt even heard of Will Smith because he is a very interesting guy and if you havnt heard of him you might find him interesting.
My blog book is called CATS by louise and richard spilsbury.
I choose this book because i ha da cat called jayjay but he went to a kennel thing because he was being bad as he scrathed my mumz new leather couch and scratched her kitchen and living wallpaper.
Jay Jay and i ha dlots of fun as he woke me up every morning by licking my face.
I would reccomened this to most of my friends because most of them like cats,and most of them have pets,like Chloe Scott she has two cats called toffee and fudge and a dog called patch and my friend Kaitlin McClung has a dog called ben, then i have a hamster called Snowy and two fish called Gavin and Stacey,gavin is black and stacey is orange.
I would say this book is for people from 10 years and upwards because not all 10 year olds know how look after a pet.
The name of my book was Keeping pets dogs.By Louise and richard Spisurg. what this book is all about 30 facts about dogs chooseing your dog how to train your dogand lots more!. My opinion on the book is that i really liked it as it gave me good advice on how to help me more with my dog. I did not have a favoutie event as the hole book was all very good .Who this book is sutible for well i would saysomeone how is geting a pet dog or someone how has got a pet dog. Or a person how wants to find out more about there dog.I would also think sutible for Samantha as she is getting a dog.I really like that book as it helped me with my dog like how to know if your dog is healthy or what to do when your dog gets old. I really liked it.
I realy enjoyed the book about Buddhism because my favourite subject I love most is learining about Religions.
I think this book would be suitable for people like my Aunti Ruth, who lives in Australia.
Buddhism is about a young prince named Siddartha Guatama and when he was born he had a symbol of a wheel on his arm as a birth mark.
Buddhism is the world first Religion.
I realy enjoyed the book about Buddhhism because I love Religions.
I think this book would be suitable for people like my Aunty Ruth
Buddhism is about a young prince called Siddhartha Guatama who was born with symbols on his arms known as a birth mark.
Buddhism was known as the world's first religoin
You Have Gost Mail by Terence Blaker
It starts of by a boy who got his first computer.He seted it up and he went on it for a while and something poped up.It was a messaga saying help and he was wondering what was going on.I would recomend the book to some of my friends because some of the like scary books and some dont.In the book it tells you about his family like,His mum died he has one sister .He has a friend called Angie and she is small and likes computers alot.She thinks its just an add that keeps poping up and she says to him phone up the companyand ask them about it.He said it was nothing =.If you want to find out more read the book and you will find like the ending of the book.I really liked reading the book and its great
You Have Ghost Mail by Terence Blaker
It starts of by a boy who got his first computer.He seted it up and went on it for a while and something poped up.It was a message saying help and he was wondering what was going on.I would recomend the book to some of my friends because some like scary books and some dont.In the book it tells you about his familylike,His mum died,He has one sister.He has a friend called Angie and she is small and she likes computers alot.She thinks its just an add that keeps poping up and she says to him phone up the company and ask them about it.He said it was nothing.If you want to find out more read the book and you will like the ending of the book.I really like reading the bookand its great
The book i was reading in Mrs Manderson class was shouting at the stars. By David belin. What the book was about a girl in a wheel chair and she's a singer. When she singing's in front of people someone keep's shouting at her and puting her off.If you want to find out more than read the book.My opinion of the book is if you was to give it a score out of 5 i would give ot a 4 as i could not follow some of the part's. This book is staitable for someone that want's to be a singer or someone that like's to sing.I think i would read it agen as i liked it as i like to sing but not in front of people :):).
I have read this book called sweet dreams.Its about a girl called lyn who goes away from her house to do a dance show but when she gets of the bus she is in trouble because she needs to phone home but her phone wont work and the phone box is smashed up so she cant use that.She walks in to a cafe and a man walks up to her and starts to talk to her and she tells him she has no where to stay but he knows a place for her.He takes her to a house by the sea where an old lady looks after her.She satys there for a couple of nights and then she doesn't fell right staying in there so she trys to get out but she falls down the stairs and bangs her head of the floor the man finds her and phones the doctor to come and look at her after the doctor has been she trys to run away she get to the door but she has no energy left and she still has to go down hundreds of stairs to get away from the place.She gets out and get down all the stair and makes it in to the cafe and asks a girl to phone a ambulance and the women makes her a cup of coffee an puts pills in it then the ambulance came and took her to the hospital but she was set up.
One Small Suitcase
By Barry Turner
One small suitcase is a true story telling about the kindertransport children who were rescued from Germany and brought to England during the war. And how childtren managed to live when they were in a foregin country and how they coped with their fostetr families, I thought this book was good because you can picture how other childer lived during the war and read about it. Probably my favourite parts in the book were near the end when most of the children were getting reunited with their families and friends. There are alot of children in the book and most are sent away to live with foster families. I think this book is suitable for ten year olds and upwards because it has big words and it is quite a long story to read. I think anyone would enjoy this book if they like reading about war, personally I thought overall that this book was good because I like finding out things about war and reading about war.
I have recently read a book called William Shakespeare written by Rupert Christiansen. I thought that it was very interesting and I really enjoyed it.
This book is about a famous play and song writter called William Shakespeare. It tells you about a disease called "Fleas" alot of people got this because it was passed easily and it was deadly. It is also about where he lived. He stayed in Stratford for most of his life. 55 million people lived in London in Shakespeares time and now over 80 million people live in London. I think that Shakespeare was a good inspiration to me because I like writing plays. A lot of people perform his plays these days.
I think that this book was great and I think that people in secondary school would love this book. This book is very eduacational.
I think that you Should read this book!!!!
Cassie Reid
The book I recently read is Koala by Carol Inskipp.The book is about the life about Koala's e.g it habitat ,the food it eats etc.It also tell's you how you can help and support Koala's and help save there habitat.
I liked the book because I like Koala's and it looked interesting.My favourite fact was when it told you the preditors of a Koala its my favourite because I was shocked that every year thousands of Koalas get killed by pet dogs and another fact was the one about bushfires.
I think the book is suitable for people all ages and people who like animals and the environment .Koala's are a huge threat to extinction because lose of there habitat.
Here are some facts of the koalas
:A koals real name is a phascolarctos cinerus
:Koalas are becoming extinct
:Thousands of koalas are killed by domestic dogs
:Tribes killed koalas for food
:Koalas are well adapted to life in trees
:Koalas are a nice tourist attracktion
by Robyn White
Friend or Foe
By Micheal Morpurego was a good book . The book was about a young boy who is evacuated from his home in London into the countryside with his best friend Tucky who is also being evacuated .Through the story David is saved by a German soldier . Also through the story there is a lot of bombing round about where he stays in the country side . Stuart Mcewan
The book i have just read is called The Arsenal encyclopedia. This tells you about all the competitions Arsenal have won aand all the players from the past and present it tells you when they were born,when/if they died,arsenal appearances,arsenal goals,International appearances and international goals. The author of this book is Jem Maidment and the foreword is by arsene wenger. This book also tells you the a-z of london's most successful club.
The book also names the famous arsenal supporters such as:
James Anderson(cricket)
Audley Harrison(boxer)
Stuart Barnes(ex-rugby player)
This book is a good book and tells you a lot about the famous North London club and i would reccomend it to anyone. The first time arsenal won the title the season stats were:
w-28 D-10 L-4 GF-127 GA-59 pts-66*
Lee Dixon was an excellent player for Arsenal he was a left-back from England he was born in Manchester on the 17th march 1964 he ha 602 caps for arsenal and scored 27 goals he also had 22 caps for England and scored only 1 goal.
The book i have recently read is called Wayne Rooney by John Townsend.
This book gives you lods of information about waynes football and his his life too.
This book gives you lods of info so if you like Wayne Rooney its a good book for you , i like this book . Waynes premier league debut was in 17\8\2002 (v Tottenham) . He plays striker and his prefered foot is his right . His shirt number are 10 for Manchester United , and his number for England is 9 .His weight is 78kg or 172 lbs , his height is 5ft 10 inch and 1.78m . He was born on the 24th of october 1985 and in Croxteth in liverpool. Wayne Rooney has a wife and one kid.His wife is called coleen she has her own successful career as a model.Coleen has a small part in a Tv programme Hollyoaks after she left school , but the media interest in Wayne he has also made her a celebrity.
If you like football you might like it but if you like Wayne Rooney you will like it.
by Luke Campbell
The book i have recently read is The Rise Of The Nazis by Charles Freeman......The book was all about Adolf Hitler and how he created the Nazis and how they treated the Jews. The Nazis made the Jews wear a gold star and they also were not allowed to drive....the book is also about how Hitler came to power and his plot to take over europe and all of the countries of the world and how Britain USA France and the european union fought with Germany Japan Austria and Hungary.
by Chrissy Hamilton
A book that I have read recently is Chemical Reaction by Carol Baldwin.
It is a non-fiction book so there is no big climax or anything, just a lot of facts like chemicals that contain stronium produce red sparks. This book tells you what happens when materials react together - sometimes with explosive results. There are loads of photos and bite size chunks of information.
My opinion of the book is that it was good and interesting but I do like science. My favourite fact was that areoplane wings are made of aluminimum. Although the most interesting fact was the reaction between copper, carbon dioxide and water vapour in the air forms a layer of green copper on copper statues.
I would say that this book is most suited for someone who likes science or chemistry and is probably around 13 - 17 years old. I would strongly recomend this book to anyone as it is very interesting and not at all rubbish.
Also there are boxes that explain science words on each page and also tips to find websites that can help with homework. There is interesting facts that you may actually think about like: why do fireworks explode in different colours? and how does chemical reaction help to solve crimes?
By Robbie Howard
I have recently read a non-fiction book called Tales of horror by Jim pipethe book is really a non fiction book about fictional things , it has lots of informationabout monsters and what they look like .it has stories of big foot, king kong ,the hulk and many more. this book isnt very practical i thinkit isnt practical because monsters dont existand if they did what are the chances you will meet them. so if you feel you might bump into a monster anytime soon this is the book for you. i did like the book but it should be in the ficton section ,it was fun to read and had lots of scary facts in it . if you do want to read this book ther eare lots of other books jim pipe has to do with things like zombies or ghosts or aliens or vampiers or even warewolfs.the book has lots of photographs and it only took me one hour to read. the pictures in the book are very deitailed and interesting .i think this book is more suited for for younger kids.
Water For Everyone!
The book I was reading was called Water For Everyone by Sarah Levete.
The book is full of facts about water .About Two-Thirds of the earths surface is covered in water . 97% of the worlds water contains salt. Nearly 70% of the worlds fresh water is frozen in glaciers andice caps .
I think the book is interesting and is good to learn more facts because if I haden't of read the book I wouldn't have known that crowds of hindus bathe in the sacred River Ganges at Varanasi in India . The River Ganges runs deep with sewage and posinous chemicals . I think the book is suitable for people who like to know about developing countries and also people who like facts . It would probibly be suitable for teenagers more than anybody else. Here are somemore interesting facts which are through out the book.
One drip of tap water per second wastes around 7,655 litres(13,000)pints of water in a year . Thats about 21 litres everyday . More than half the human body is made up of water . Also sea levels are dramatically rising because of the melting of the ice. Parts of Malta are in danger of being swallowed up by rising sea levels. Without water the body does not work properly this is called dehydration . In developing countries the only water available is from rivers and this water is dirty and carries diseases.
Beth McConnell
The book i have recently read and found interesting was the Giant Panda non-fiction book which gives lots of true and interesting facts about Pandas. This book is very helpful for information about pandas and what they eat. it also gives lots of information about how baby pandas live and how they grow up and gives lots of facts about all the pandas. This book would be suitable for people who are interested in pandas and would like to learn more about them. I would recommend this book to people aged 10 and onwards as it is would help them to learn about the worlds extinction on animals and stop people killing them., and also it would help them to see how animals are becoming extinct and how they are dying because of it, also animals keep getting more and more rare. If animals keeping dying this could cause problems for us as we might eventually run out of meet because there’s no animals left to get meet from.
This book is really good and I didn’t think I would like it but if you read it you will like it because its really interesting and really useful for school projects and information on endangered species. It will also help if you want to be a scientist when you grow up.
Emma Morgan
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