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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
The book I read was Ultimate cars Jaguar. It is non fiction and has been written by Rob Scott Calson.
At first Jaguar was called SS and they made sidecars for motorbike, They changed there name because the nazi's regime in Germany where the schutzstaffel(known as SS) Jaguars famous logo the leaping Jaguar which is attached to older models. The car that impressed me was the XK with a 4.2 litre engine 8 cylider speed gearbox and can get from 0-100kph in 6.1 seconds it can reach up tp 250kph and is only 1595 kilograms which is good for a fast car with such a big engine.
The book I read was about 'big cats' in the wild.
I learned that there are 37 spieces of cats.Cats are mammals. Cats are also carnivores. They originated from miacids which was 60 million years ago. One type of a cat is called a puma .lions usually hunt people.Cats have very good back legs.the fastest animal is the world is the cheetah.A cats pupils growbig when in a fight.Cats whiskers are used like sensors.
A cats tail is the same size as it's body.A cats vicious claws are made from Keratain the same substance as our fingernails . Cheetahs have big nostrils to help them breath while running fast. It takes 3 strides every second.A cheetahs tail reacts like a stablizer. Cats can see in the night. Cats have better heraing than humans.Cats have a layer behind thier eye called a tapetum lucidum. Tigers have the biggest canine teeth . A lions roar can be heard 8 miles away.
Lions may mate up to 100 times a day. A lion cub gets carried by it's neck Tigers change thier den very often. All big cats kill differently. The smallest wild cat in the world Is the same size as a pet cat. I would recomend this book 9-13 year olds.
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