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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
Hannahs tree house by Helen Dunmore Hannah is a little girl who is staying with her granmother while her mum is in hospital having a baby but it is 6weeks away because her blood pressure is too high hannah always wants to go into the garden but her gran wont let her because the garden belongs to Mr Barenstein who lives on the the bottom flat and one morning Hannah woke up quietly and sneaked out onto the garden but Mr Barenstein saw that Hannah was in the garden but mutch to her surprise he said if you want to be in the garden you could plant stuff and make it nice so this meant Hannah could be in the garden all the time. i thought this book was alright but i wouldnt recommend it to anyone.
The book i have read called candyfloss by Jacequline Wilson is a about a little girl named floss whos parents are divorced and her mum and stepdad and brother give her the birthday present that will change her life for 6 months they are moving to Austraila . Floss goes to stay with her dad but floss doesnt want to tell her dad that they are moving but he soon find out and he think that floss should go but when her mum come to pick her up to go to austraila floss tell her mum she is staying with her dad . flosses dad struggle with money and cant but her clothes and thing that she needes and all her friend think her mum has left her but she hasnt and floss doesnt want to be friend with the people she is friends with she want to be friend with susan but her friend dont like susan and call her nasty names. floss fall out with her other friends and soon becomes best friends with susan and susan comes over and they have chip butties. i think this book will be ok for girls 13-16 year as they will understand it more. xx
Cry Baby by Jill Atkins
The book I read is called Cry Baby by Jill Atkins. This book is about Charlie who is 15 turning 16 how has a 1 night stand and gets pregnant at a party. She is scared to tell her parents her life will be ruined. But should she keep the baby?
I think the book was interesting it showed you how one silly mistake can change your life forever. I didn’t really have a favourite part of the book it was a page turner, wafting to see what happened next I liked the fact that all her friends and family stood by her.
I think this book would be suitable for girls aged 13+, it real opens your eyes and shows you how easy it is to make a life changing mistake and your life is turned upside down
I really enjoyed this book It dose happen in real life I rate this book 8 out of 10.
The book is called” Rock God" it is by Jonathan Mares".
This book is about Darren Smith and how he wants to be a rock star but there is one problem he doesn't have a guitar. So he asks for one for his Birthday and his Dad says ok only if he can solve 3 clues about rock. His first clue was "A singer of a well known rock band who sounds like northern English city" The cancer was Thom Yorker.
The Second clue was" Could this charming band from Manchester be distant cousins" The answer was The Smiths.
The Third clue was” Never a cross word from this old punk? Try closer to home!!!! The answer was his dad is a punk rocker too. He got his guitar in the end and his Dad taught him how to play it I like this book how it gave you lots of facts and Darren got his guitar for his Birthday.
A Happy Ending
the book i have have read and enjoyed called vickys angels is about a young girl name jade and her bestfriend vicky anre going to join 2 club but jade doesnt want to join vickys club and vicky doesnt want to join jade club so they have a bite of a arguement and vicky walks out in front of a car and get knock down and dies after the death of her friend jade is always down and doesnt eat not even her favourite food and the worst thing is she has to go to court and tell every body about the death of her friend vicky comes back as an angel and they go to llondon for a day at vicky funeral vickys mum shout at jade but soon say sorry jade mum is having an affair but soon ends it as her boyfriend has a family i recommend this children 11 and over as it is a sad story
The book I have read is Animals in danger-The giant panda by Carl R Green and William r.Sanford
This book Has different sections to it,all about the panda and its life.
In the first section it tells us all about the appearence of the panda , and its diet.Pandas are easy to reconize because of its black and white markings.Their fur is not softbut keeps them warm in winter.their diet mainly involves in eating bamboo,an is well adapted to its diet
In section 2 we learn about the pandas habitat,which is in the far western mountains in china out in the wild.We also learn about the digestive system which is poor.Which is why they spend 12-16 hours feeding.
Section 3 follows a panda carryingher cub,to giving birth to her cub,to her cub going out into the wild.When it goes out into the wild itself it will seek a mate
Section 4 is about the panda presence.For thousands of years pandas were one of the worldsbestkept secrets.Even in china pandas were never well known.The Pandas is a world tressure.
Finally section 5 follows two pandas ling-ling and Hsing-Hsing who wetre given to Washington Zoo as a gift from China.The zoo hoped the two pandas would mate.Though after after giving birth the cubs died shortly afterwards.A good book
“kick Off” by Dan Freedman
Kick Off is about a boy called Jamie Johnston who moves school half way through term. He goes to the school football trials hoping to reach the A team. Jamie gets a lot of hassle from Dillon Simmons. Dillon takes the mik out of Jamie all the time because he thinks its funny Jamie just gets really angry and wants to hit Dillon but that would risk not being able to play for the football team. The day of the trials Jamie was raring to go, but when it comes to it Jamie can’t play football to save himself. When he gets the ball he mucks it up and makes the wrong pass and possession is lost. He wins a penalty and he falls and the ball rolls in to the keeper’s arms .Everyone laughed at him, he started to cry.
The next day an all holiday he practised in order to try and improve his techniques, so he went and spoke to his granddad Mike. Mike gave him a book that an old blackbury rover’s player gave to him to when he needed to improve it showed all different drills and skill, just what Jamie needed rating is 9 out of 10 for the book and recommended to anyone..
The book I have recently read was Manchester United annual 2005 by Adam Bostock.
The book is about interesting facts about Manchester United. It also has facts about the carling cup,the league and signings. It also has results from games, info on the plaayers, the league review, european review, derby days, puzzles about the team and ruud van nistelrooy s one hundred goals
My opinion of the book is that it is a great book to read. One of my favuorite events is when manchester united beat their rivals Manchester City. Here is some of th
e facts i liked: Man Utd beat Aston Villa 4-0, Man Utd beat Tottenham 2-1, Liam Miller joined Man Utd from the Celtic, Man Utd won the third round of the carling cup 3-2 against Leeds United, Cristiano Ronaldo played with Sporting Lisbon before joining Manchester United, Ryan Giggs has played with Man Utd his whole carrer, Darren Fletcher is the only scottish football player with Manchester United, Ruud Van Nistelrooy played with psv before Manchester United, Darren fletcher has played with Manchester United his whole footballing carrer, in 2003 man utd had lifted the league cup, man utd have lifted the cup eight times in 11 seasons, in 2003 man utd came third in the league, man utd got beat 2-0 from West brom in the fourth round of the league cup.
I think this book is suitable for children over and people who are Manchester United fans and like football
A book i have recentley read is Two Words by Michael Kightley. It is about 2 boys who go on a 2 day hiking trip up the mountains. Its a race between two teams to get to the finishing line first and win a prize. They set off on a Saturday morning. The first few miles they are enjoying it and talking but before long they are cold wet and damp and start to feel as if they have frostbite and there toes get cold. At night they get cold and cant light a fire due to rain so they put the tent up and had cold beans and cold tea. The next day they kept falling on the ice and began to think the trip was a bad idea but they got to a small hill and were about to cross when they seen the leader of the opposite team crossing the bridge so they tried to cross the river for quickness but as they jumped across Jake fell and split his head open so they had to go to hospital, the reason they tried to jump the bridge was too go to the burger van where they could get hot tea salty chips and rolls and bacon. Then Jakes mum showed up and took him to the hospital.
by Chris
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