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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
'An Urgent Message Of Wowness'
By Karen McCombie
This book is about a perfect family except Heather who never fits in but when their mum and dad split up Heathers perfect little sister turns into a little monster and her brother turns into an indie music band manager and brings a goth girl home to stay and she becomes friends with Heather and her friend Becca. Bexcca fancies Jo-Jo and everything just becomes real crazy for Heather.
I thiught this book was ok as everytime I read it it took me a while to get into it. My favourite bit was the end as it was a really good outcome after a really good build up whilst feelings where always expressed
I think this book is suitable for people who like stories about common things that happen in life. I would recomend this book to people who have faced the similar situation as it might cheer them up.
My book was called ..."And thats when it fell off in my hand". The author of my book is Lousie Rennison. My book was about a girl called Georgia and her Love Life. Georgia and her friend Jas try and get Georgia a boyfriend. Georgia and Jas are best friends and never fall out.
I really enjoyed this book. I thought that it was a suitable book for my age. My favourite characters were Georgia,Jas,Masimo,Georgia's mum and Georgia's dad. I would read more of Louise Rennison's books because I find them interesting. I think that this book is suitable for pupilsup to 2nd year because it is about a middle age teenager and it is also about someone's lovelife. 3rd years I think could possibly like it aswell though but it all depends on what people like to read and what authors they like. I think that Louise Rennisonshould continue writing these kinds of books because she makes thom sound real and she also makes theminteresting.
The general by robert muchamore
The worlds largest ever urban warfare compound stands in the desert near Las Vegas.forty Brittish commandos are being hunted by an entire American battalion.
But thier commander has an ace up his sleeve:he is going to to smuggle in ten cherub agents,and fight the best war game ever.
I really enjoyed the book and thought it was a very good read.My favrite characters were James Adams,Kevin Summer and Yosyp Kazakov i would read it again.
I think the book is suitable for 12-14 year olds because there is a lot of action in it and on the blurb it says that is not suitable for younger readers.I would recomend this book for my friends.
Name of book sophies luky.
This book was a little girl her name is sophie.sophie had a aunt al who lived in scotland sophie was going to see her soon.
I really liked the book becase i like horses and its about a girl and a horse The part i liked the most was where she got her xmas present which was a pony called Lucky.
The book I chose to write about for my blog is "Uncanny" written by Paul Jennings.
In my book each chapter tells a new story with different settings, characters and totally different storylines. One of the chapters is about a flying dog, one is about a remote control that can fast-forward, rewind, pause and replay time and another one is about a mind-swapping wire. Some of the chapters I thouroughly enjoyed!
I think that this book is a really good read for people with wide imaginations. Some of the chapters are quite strange, but finish by being really funny! Ireally liked this book. Some of my favourite characters are Lucus, Gribble and Guts Garvey. Some of the events that I enjoyed reading about was when they found out how the dog could fly and how thre remote control could stop time.
Ithink that this book is suitable for readers between the ages of nine and twelve, but the reader would definately have to have a wide imagination as some of the stories are a little bit far-fetched.
Some other books that I would highily recommend by Paul Jennings are "Undone" and Unreal".
'Beast Quest'
By Adam Blade
This book is about a small boy who is on a quest to stop a evil dragon from destroying cities and towns.The dragon is under a evil spell from a evil wizard.
This book is exciting for people who like adventure books and books about knights and wizards.This book is really good because it builds up the excitement.My favourite character is the small boy Tom because he is the main character and he does some really cool things in the book.
I think this book is suitible for people who are eight and over.I think you must be this age because there is some fantacy villains in it.
This book was really good and I can't wait to read all of the other books about Tom on his quest to stop the evil beasts.
This book was called "the skateboard detectives" and it was written by Andrew Fusek Peters.The book is about 4 teenagers trying to solve a sort of mystery. It involves 3 bad guys,1 innocent and 4 teens trying to help the innocent
My opinion of the book is that it's okay one not so good point is that it jumps between time points e.g. 2 weeks earlier,week later,4 hours earlier.the book is really gripping and also really descriptive
The best character is break he is funny and a sporty boy.
This book is suitable for people that like skateboarding or detective work.The age range I would say is 12-16 (in my opinion)
I really liked this particular book and characters that were in it and also the personalities aswell.The children have different talents from free runners to boarding to computer skills and all of them are fourteen.
"Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers"
Thisbook is about a girl Called Georgia Nicolson and her all her mates the Ace Gang. Georgia is fourteen and HATING it. Her ex-boyfriend has left for America so she persaudes her Mum and Dad to go there for a Car Convention as her Dad is a big fan of cars so Georgia,her Mum, her Dad,her mad little sister Libby and Georgia's best mate Jas go to America. After whittling her wardrobe to only six cases and eight pairs of shoes she is ready to go to America for the week. It all turns out to be a waste of time as they can't find him. But when they get back he has got a gig on with his band the stiff dylans. So Georgia ends up getting him back!
This book is halairiously funny and I recommend it to girls 11-15!
The Dead Hour
By Pete Johnson
The text was abouta boy who was friends with a girl.At night he wasn'nt friends with his room but when it it was light he was friends with his room.I like the book because it is a bit scary and funny and the weather is good and it's terrible .My favorite characters are Richara and louie because they are two people that make me laugh.I think it is suitable for some people that don't scare easily and likes a good laugh .Richard and Lousie team up and vs something big,hairy,ugly and smelly .Richard's gran hides in the cubard when storms com.She made Richard go in to the cubard with her but Richard said he would have been fine but she did not care she just took Richard in with her.I love the book and it is good
Nigel Hinton
A boy called Ray steals a motorbike next to a pub, dis not have a lisens for it, and he nocked over an old lady and kills her. He tries to keep it a secret.
The book is good I like the way the Author leave the interesting bits to the end. You want it to happen when you get into the book. My favourite charecter was Ian because he helped people out and encouraged them to do more.
People that are into accident scene books because they would get encouraged to read more and get excited to the interesting bits wrote a letter about the accident he knew he was going to get caught but it was a long time till he was caught. His mum and dad new there was something suspicious about him. And he gets caught with police at his door and everything.
Missing by Catherine Macphail
This book was about a girl called Maxine whose brother went missing and that's all her parents really cared for her brother. One day her dad goes to London and identifies him as dead. This is when her mum her mum is really upset until she talks to a fortune teller who gives her a message from Derek. After that Maxine starts to get really strange phone calls from Derek. She is very confused as she thinks he's dead. Maxine then has to get behind this when she plans to meet with him. Was it really Derek?
I thought this book wasreally exciting and kept me on the edge of my seat. It was a book I struggled to put down as there was so much happening.
I think this book is suitable for people who like really scary thrillers. As at some points it got quite freaky with what happens. I would advise people that get scared easily not to read this.
My book is called Tongue-Tied by Paul Jennings.
It is a short story book and i read 6 of them,I have one story in paticular that was my favourite it is called Lennie Light House who has luminous teeth and if you want to find out more read this fantastic book NOW!!!!
My favorite charater is Lennie because he is adventureous and has luminous yellow teeth.
My favourite part is whenLennie finds his mum and she has luminous yellow teeth too.
I would recommend this book to some of my friends because not all of them like short story books.
I liked this story because it is very funny at some parts and it is very adventufeous and has very funny charaters.
trainers v.s tiara
by grace dent
this book is a book aimed at14-15 year old teens girls.the book is a very good long book based on love,life and grinedship.this book also has long hard words. the authers put in a lot of good parts in the book.i have really enjoyed readin this book and hope othersa do too aswell as me. i think this book deserves a 3 out of 5 stars ebcouse it has very hard too read with the small letters and is very confusing......
shariz wants thing for x-mas that her parents cant get her for example :teardrop neckless , a ipod and more but har dad n mum dont have enough money to buy them for her .
The Dogs by Mark Morris. My book is about a girl who has to go and stay with her gran.Both of her parents died because the plane crashed and she was finewith it.Then her best fiend died for a couple of minutes then she came back to life.Then she came to her house and started to scratch on the door.Her grans dogs ran away and didnt come back for nine years Then they came back to the house the dogs changed into monsters and always looks at the girl.Someone of my friends would like this book because the pictures are scary and teir is some roude words in it .The girl gets a boyfiend called paul and he has a car.Ilike the book becuase its a we bit scarey and it is funny.Ilove the book and it was good to read.Read it to find more about it
Cosmo and the secret spell.
by Gwyneth Rees.
This books about a cat called Cosmo and Cosmos mouther has anouther eight kittens so cosmo now has eight little brouthers and sisters.Cosmo has a friend and cosmos friends owner who was very nice.But she fell in love with a witch but the eight little brouthers/kittens of cosmon got kidnapped and Cosmo and some of his friends go looking for them. And the witch-frog has thousands of frogs and because every witch has a cat she has frogs instead. And she has a experiment which is very7 dangerous and Cosmo and his friend is trying to get it.My oppinion on this book is it's a vary good book and I thought is would be ok for younger children. but it was realy good and I enjoyed it alot too. I would recomend it to anyone that likes cats and witches. It would be ok for children about eight to read if they can read.It is a very exiting book. And you don't know whats going to happen next.It's suitable for older people too.Next time i go to read a book ill probilly look for one from the same author.
"Tiger Eyes"
By Judy Blume.
My book was about a girl called Davey. Davey, Jason (Davey's brother) and their mum move to Los Alamos. In Los Alamos they stay with their Aunt Bisty and their Uncle Walter. Davey meets a boy called Wolf. She becomes really good friends with Wolf. Davey meets a girl called Jane. Davey really enjoys Los Alamos. She stays in Los Alamos for over 1 year. When Davey goes home she is really happy.
My opinion on this book is that I thought it was really exciting and interesting. I really liked this book because it is the kind of book that I would read. My favourite character is Davey because she is a curious character and she never gives awaywhat she is going to do.
I think that this book is suitablefor ages twelve and over because it explains what drinking can do to you and what can damage you. Most of my friends would enjoy this book but it does depend on what sertain people like to read.I think that Judy Blume should keep on writing these sort of books because personally I find them very interesting. Tgis book was very curious and exciting so that is also why she should continue writing these sort of books.
I was reading a book called ... starship rescue My book was about a boy and girl trying to save the outsiders form a life form slavery what i think of the book was it was intereston because the boy marc had to keep his misson secret but my favourit event was the part where marc and the girl sasha had to fight jared the keeper. My best charcers where sasha and marc. I think this book is sutibil for people how like adventers. I think i would read it again starship By jane morgan
This book is call War Games and it is illustrated by Steve Donald. This book is about war. One day mum told George that he was going to a country. But George didn't want to go and his mum told him not to argue. When George want to the Country he went to a place. All the othere pooeple were talking but he didny. So a women came and ask if she could have Goegr But Mr Harris didny want her to haave him. Then he just want tae her. They went to her big house.He went to school. he thouth noone wolud like him.He played a game and keep on wining. He got ask nto joy the team and he did. they went to the big game. they were geting bet till Georhe when on and played and they wan. Georges mum and dad came toget him then he just went home. He made new friends they were called Hellmet and Ester they always played footbal. Then the war came Ester Hellmet and George were betening to be Gemman shallegs and thegoles post they yous to play football got takeing down foe be made as guns.After that Ester was talking away to a camp and hans and hellmey at to join hittlers youth to fight agenst the brites.The brited win the warThen left ather sfrees in bubble. But they sitl manged to play football and Esters Scord the wining gole.
I like this book becuse the its good.
'Abby - Calamity and Chaos'
By Margaret Ryan
Abby and her mum live happily until Grandma comes along. Mum hasn't seen Grandma in years. Grandma wears a sheepskin coat and crocodile boots. She also wears sixities' clothes. Abby enjoys having her Grandma around but her mum hates it. Abby and her Grandma try and find Abby's mum a boyfried but Abby's mum isn't too happy about the whole idea.
I thought that this book was very interesting and exciting. I found it exciting because Abby's Grandma did some of the mist strangest things and no-one knew what was going to happen.
My favourite character was Abby because she was just a normal teenager who worried about her own problems and that is what I like about teenage characters.
it starts bythey move to a house and they have to redecorate.he callshis step dad step.he tries to tries to smoke but he felt sick.The book is about a monster.The monster has black skin,black hair and red eyes.he bumos into a girl called sly.Sly is the one that smokes and tried to makes him smoke .Theirsa ashop called skinners shop .It dosentsay his name in the chapters.some of my friends would read it cause theirs monsters in it.Theirs a dog with no snout.A dog died and when they went back it had moved.I like the book because it has monsters in itand its like an adventure book.I like the book because it has infomaition on what the animals look like.Read the book to find more information about the book and what he dose to stop the monster
My book was called the Inca Alien Incident written by Terrance Dicks.
This book was OK, personaly I wouldn't read it again because it isn't my sort of book.
The book was about spies going to lima to try and solve a mystery, carlos leads Matthew and his Dad on a government mission when suddenly someone tries to kill them 3 times this happens.They then find a quipu, a symbolic that says they are Inca's.A man Don Ramon decypheres the puipu, that night Carlos,Matthew and Matthews Dad go to the place the the quipu said ther would be a meeting.They then find out Don Ramon is the inca leader he has an assistant with him.
A man comes and starts chanting a rhyme which then destroys all the quipus and all inca followers back to normal.
this book is a book for 8-10 year olds,not any older you get bored like I did.
by Margeret Ryan.
This book is about a girl called Abby , her life is never dull with her Grandma around! The school talent show is coming up and Abby wants to beat her rival Belinda Fishcake unfortunetley , Abby has a voice that could peel paint and with a brace her voice isn't going to win! With all of the talent show blabber going on , Abby , meets her real Dad , her mum gets re-married , and then becomes pregnant! This book was was very enjoyable and very funny aswell! It was good seeing what Abby and her crew get up to and there was I would recommend this to all of my friends because I thought it was a good read for comedy and of course herself was my fave character as she as she had a buubley personality abd was very clumsey!!
by EmilyPurdie
This book is about a boy called Freddy. And some of his friends Theodore and lotts more. It's a really good book,I enjoyed it.It's quite funny things they doo and say to people. It's quite a mystery to be honest I will tell you some things buit I don't want to give it away because and then you might not read it. But it's exiting and I hope more people read it and get the funny wonderful feeling that I doo. Freddy was not as good friends with a boy called Sid and their was a science peoject coming up. So Freddy and Sid decided that whoever won it wouldn't have to work at the Crabby shop and the loser would. Freddys dad was brilliant at experiments he made the Invisibleumberella. "It's great!" Freddy and his friends loves it.There are lots of adventures in this book! I would recommend it to about seven year olds and up.Because they are some big words and it's an adventure.It goes upto chapter 23. It's amausing that there are French fries in it too. I'm not saying everything to you about this great book.Read it yourself!
The Princess Diaries~7th Heaven
by Meg Cabot.
This book is about Mia, a teenage princess that goes to a normal school among normal people, but apart from being a princess, hetr life isnt at all ordinary! A fter wasting a huge amout of money on bins with automatic crushers and stickers saying "CANS AND BATTLES" , Mia wasted %5000 on these bins a has to get the money back , FAST!!! So, Mia has a plan to do a fundrasing event before Ambes Cheeseman the onerall presidant of ythe school (Mia being the second V.I.P presidant) finds out! With her grandmas help in a matter og seven days directed be never awake Senor Eduardo and cheorographed be famous choeroegrapher Feather , they put together BRAiD! The musical!, Braid is about Mia's Grandmothers Grandmothers Grandmother who liver in the 1800's! Mia's bestfriend wants the main roll of Rosagunde and she deserves it too but instead Mia gets landed with it instead! The day before they are going to perform thier musical Mia's Granmother announces that they are going to perform it infront of about 100 famous celebrities! Plus a load of people from her her school at a party that was getting held anyway! Mia is dreading this performanse means a lot to her grandmother so she know she has got to pull her socks up in order to please her grandomother in the end the show is a success and they end up raising so much money thast Mia could pay back the money that that she owes ten times!
I really enjoyed this book, i would give it 4 stars! i would reccommend it for 10-14 year olds! by Emily Purdie.
Letters From The Inside
By John Marsden
This is about two girls who put an add in a magazine. When one of the girls, Mandy decides to write to a girl called Tracey. The two girls kept writing to each other as they found it easier to talk to each other about their problems rather than talking to someone face to face but then, Tracey stops writng. After a while she writes back telling Mandy that what she has said before was all lies and that she is actually in prison. Mandy is shocked. But they still continued writing but at one point Tracey is not sure if she wants to countinue writing. Will tracey countinue writing?
I thought this book was ok because the ending wasnt really exciting. There was times where it was good but not many. I think there will be people who will love this book.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes reality shows because there are a lot of ups and downs in this book.
The book I chose to write about for my blog is "Preacher's Boy" by Katherine Paterson.
This book is about a young boy called Robbie - who is the Preachers Boy - who finds out the world is going to end. His one dream is to ride in a motor car, and to ride a train to the end of the world, but before all that he goes fishing with Willie, his best friend, drags his little sister Lettie in a cart at the fourth of July parade, becomes jealous at his arch enimies and goes swimming every day. On one of these trips, his enimies steal his clothes and sinks them to the bottom of the river. Robbie swims in after Nick and nearly drowns him. He goes back to his hide - out only to find people living in it, he helps them, but the father of the girl that lives there goes crazy because he has no alcohol left and he slaps his daughter, then, the daughter, Violet, and Robbie run away from him, then go looking for him, only to find him trashing a drug store. As Violet and Robbie enter the store the father, Zeb, smashes a bottle over Robbie's head and he is rushed home.
To enjoy this book you would would have to like books that do not get straight to the point.My favourite character is Elliot , Robbie's older brother, because he has a very funny personality and is very bubbly. My favourite event is when Elliot goes missing and everyone is looking for him becaus I felt like I was there looking for Elliot with the characters because the description was amazing.
I think this book is suitable for people aged eleven to fifteen as it has alot of description and does not get to the point very quickly. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to most of my friends.
By Chloe scott
Wicked by Paul Jennings and Mrris Gleitzman
The book starts off with a girl called Dawn.Dawn lived with her father because her mother had died because she was a bus driver and had made a crash.At the start Dawns dad and Rorys mum was gettting married and Dawn runs out.Rory went after her and they both go back into the church.on one of Dawns sandwiches there was a worm.At one of the the chapters Dawns dad and Rorys mum went on their honeymoon.Dawn and Rory realised that some of the worms were in the soup that Rory had made.So Dawn and Rory went off to find their parents but they didnt.Most off my friends would like it because there is monsters in it and they go on an adventure with each other.i enjoyed the book because it was about monsters.most of my friends would like it
One day Lucy was really beggin her dad and mum for a dog. She in particular wanted a pup that was atleast 1 month old. When she got home witb the pup she called it Marley. After she had it for about 3 month Marley had pups. Then Mastel and beasd. when Marley was about 6 mouthes old Lucy's dad signed Marly up for Obeidence classes. Hedefonetly needed it. At dinner time thats the best part is of each day for Marley especilly for after dinner he gets doy bisauits for desert. The family went on holiday even Marley they played ni the pool toghether Marly too. they done everything togeth her when they had to go home Marley sadly passed away. Now Marley has gone Lucy's mum and dad have a new child but they still Marley. I like this book bescaues it wad good and i like veadying it. I would recommend thid book to 11 years olds.
Monster Republic
by Ben Horton
This book is about a boy called Cameron who was in a explosion in a power plant and he was turned into a robot. I would recomend this book to anyone who is over eleven because it says 11 plus.This book is good because it has all sorts of twists and turns in the story.My favourite character in it is Cameron because he is funny and he is one of the main characters. There are also some intersting facts about power plants. This is my favourite book so far. The reason for this is because it has a cliffhanger at the end.Can't what till next book comes out.
This book was called "blood money" and it was written by Chris Ryan.
The book was about a group of 5 children who went to India to a school as part of a relief team.They then hear all sorts of things about what happens that really shockes them.Then one of the younger children got stolen,they had to intervene.
This book is amazing because of the cliffhangers that every chapter ends on.I couldn't put this book down.
My favourite character was Hex(one of the gang)because he is really sporty but could also hack any website he wanted to.In another book he hacked the US military.This book would be suitable for anyone from the ages of 11-15 because it is quite hard to understand.Someone younger might find it hard to follow and they might get bored of it.
I would definetely read this book again because it is that good.
virtual friend
this book is about a boy called ben who moves to a new town and a new school and does'nt have any friends so he decides to make up a virtual friends called Rory polestar. I liked Rory polestar because he was funny and funky and made me laugh. It was good because Rory made ben make firends before this ben was bored with nothing to do as he had moved to a new town through his Dads work. If his dad hadn't suggested going to visit Vince nextdoor ben wouldn't have made Rory up.It was a good way for Ben and his Dad to meet new friends it had also helped out Ben in school.I enjoyed reading this book because it was interesting to see what happened and fopr Ben to be happy in his new home and school.This book is suitable for ages 6 up as there is no bad words in it.
The book I chose to write about for my blog is "Frozen Fire" which was written by Tim Bowler.
This book is about a teenager called Dusty who, when she is alone in her home Thorn Cottage, gets a strange phone call from a boy who seems to know something about the disappearance of her brother, Josh. The boy can delve into the deepest parts of your soul, and say things that are close to your heart. He says Dusty can call him Josh, and at the end of the phone call he calls her "Tomboy" and says "Goodbye, little Dusty" which are things Josh said to her before he disappeared. She goes out, following his prints to Stonewell park and sees pills and a bottle of wine, both lying empty. The boy had taken an overdose. The prints all of a sudden end, and violent men with vicious dogs are out to get her. From this point on Dusty faces many dangers including the boy contacting her repetidly, fights with boys, people claiming to have seen a strange figure up on Raven's fell, people saying this "boy" had knocked them out by throwing thin air at them, then the two pitbulls mysteriously dying. Dusty then finds out there are mobs of people who want the boy dead, and these mobs soon turn on Dusty. The boy can see all, and then when things start to get out of hand he helps Dusty but she does notlisten and finds herself in trouble. Near the end Dusty starts to live the boy's life, sometimes walking and sometimes floating, sometimes living, sometimes just a presence. There is also a strange and haunting twist at the end of the book about Josh, Dusty's brother.
To enjoy this book you would need to like mystery books and thick books. My favourite character in the book is Dusty because she is the main character. I also like her because she is very sporty and she is a tomboy. My favourite event is when the mobs are after Dusty and they break doen Dusty's door looking for her. They threaten to burn her house down if she does not give up the location of the boy which she does not know. I like this event because it is very exciting.
I would recommend this book to people aged 14 and loder because it is really descriptive and is quite complicated.
By Chloe Scott
Gladiator boy by
David Grimstone.
This book is about a boy who is taken away from his father and is forced to fight as a gladiator. This book is good younger children because I didn't like this book and it only has three chapters in it.My favourite character is Argon because he is really cool and he is the toughest out of all the boys that are there. I want to read the other gladiator boy books because this book didn't have enough info in it.
The book I have chosen to write about for my blog is called The Starthorn tree and it is written by Kate Forsyth.
This book is about a boy called Pedrin and his best friend Durrik. They both live on Levannah - On -The -Lake and Pedrin is the villages loyal goatherd. When the count of Estelliana is put into an unnatural sleep, all the boys over the age of 14 have to go and help build the giant glass tower which, after the tower harnasses the power of the day star, will bring the count back to full health. But, when the boys are finished the great glass tower, the lightning nearly kills the count. The princess, Linsandre, grabs on to her brother to try and save him, but she also gets stuck in the lightning. Durrik jumps in , too, so Pedrin smashes the great glass lens harbouring the lightning. Durrik , half in a trance, recites a strange riddle, and all of the guards with their fusilisers at the ready are after them. They have to become outlaws and the rest of the Hearthkin get imprisoned in the dungeons. The princess and her young seamstress, Briony, also run away. They are left to fend for themselves in the Perilous Forest, and along with Pedrins two goats, are catupulted into the biggest adventure of their lives. My favourite line in the book is when Durrik says
"Under winters cold shroud the sun of light lies,
Though the summer sun burns high in the skies
With the last petal of the Starthorn Tree,
His wandering spirit shall at last slip free"
My favourite character is Briony because her eyes change with her feelings. My favourite event is when the four have to go into the cave of the gouls. It is very exciting.
I would recommend this book to people aged 13 and up as it is very complicated and has lots of discription. This is the best book I have ever read because I felt when I was reading the book I was a character in it because the book had lots of excellent description. I loved this book!
By Chloe Scott
'Black Rabbit summer'
By Kevin Brooks
The book is about five old friends who meet up for old times sake but where there are old times there are old tensions and secrets and bitternes.
I really liked the book and my eyes were glued to the pages even though it took me a while to read.
My favourite part of the book was the night at the funfair and my favourite characther was Pete Boland.The reason I liked the book was because the author was good and there was good cliffhangers.
I would recomend this book to my friends because I think they'd really like it.It is suitable for teenagers because it is quite violent.
Ally has a mother who he hates, but they both try to get along anyways. His Aunty chloe is in a physicatric hospital and Ally., his mum and his dad all go to see him on a sunday. One Sundya, ally was looking out of the hospital window, and he spotted something wierd, it was thre name FLORA written in flowers down right over the wall that the hospital is in. Ally went down to investigate. He went down to investigate this wierd thing, and after going through hills and swamps he found two people called Flora and Riley. Flora and Riley live in the old cages- as the STONE MENAGERIE is an old zoo, flora and riley are married and are expecting a baby. One day Ally brings his Aunty Chloe to the stine menagerie, and she talks!! I didnt enjoy this book, i wouldn't read it again either, i would reccomend it mostly to older people, who are over 60. Or people who like reading olden day books:)
The Demon Headmaster Takes Over
By Gillian Cross
My book, The Demon Headmaster Takes Over is about a girl called Dinah she gets involved with a scientist called Claudia, she is involveed with a new project called the hyperbrain. The hyperbrain causes alot of trouble all around the world so Dinah and her friends decide to investigate. They find out many things starting of with that the Demon Headmaster is controling the hyperbrain. Read the book to find out what trouble this causes.
I loved this book because it was so exciting. I think I enjoyed it so much because there was always something going on and I always wanted a little extra time to continue reading to find out what happens next.
I would recomend this book to anyone, its that good. The only thing I'd mension is that yoyu may want to read the first book before reading this one. This is because the first one introduces you to all the main characters.
This book is called Young monsters. The author of this book is Michael Lawrence. Young monsters is about a boy called Lon It is quite a short book. Lon got sent to a bording school for young Monsters by his dad even though he wasn't a monster but when he got there he met a friend called Omar who gave him a lot of advice he also met enemies called Grout and his three friends. Grout tried to get him killed a few times. By making them go far into the jungle and get lost. there is lots of dangerous bugs in the jungle. But they managed to find a cave and set a fire but when a bat/Vampire came in they got frightened. I thought this book would be better for primary school kids as i found it a bit young for me.
Conner Fraser 2P6
Daughter of the Flames
By Zoe Marriott
This book I have recently read is called Daughter of the Flames.It is all about an orphan called Zira and what happens whan she and her village are attacked by the kings men.Also slowly she learns about her past,identity and who she is.
In Daughter of the Flanes my favourite character was Zira because she is alone and must find strength to fight her enemies and I liked this book because it had alot of action and cool stuff in it like what they wore.I also liked the part in the story when they are hiding from the king and they devise a plan to take down the king so everyone can be together instead of divided into two parts.
This book is quite reasonable so I think it is sutible for teenagers and people who like action and fighting.This could also for older teenagers because sometimes its confusing and there is some large words in it.Ihighly recommend it for a good and clever reader.
This book is very good.I wouldnt recommend it to adults though case it is more for people around thirteen to fifteen.Daughter of the Flames has magic,love,fighting and war in it.I hope if you read it, you will enjoy it.
By Rachel Masterton
I love Peanut Head
by pete Johnson
Ihis is a book about a boy who turned 13 and it was his worst week at school and he got in to trouble and his friend burned him then they fell out. he gets embarrassed because the head master keeps on talking to him he asks him stuff. he keeps on sitting next to him then people laugh.
I relly like the book because it is funy and silly.but i dont like the head master because he is relly nasty to people. one of the characters is scott he is the one how turned 13 he is quite smart and he is very nice. the other characters is called andrew he is nasty sometimes and he always gets in to trouble from the head master, 'Peanut Head'.
I think the book is suitable for someone who likes books that are funny and bad. I think that the book would be suitable for a nine - eleven year old. I think that some adults would like it because it is a good book and it is has some good characters in it. It also has a good author called Pete Johnson. If you read the blurb it will give you a rough idea of what it is about.
By Tony Jackson
'The Dead'
By David Gatward
This book is about a rebelious teen called Lazarus who lives with his Dad. He is often in his house alone because his Dad's always away on business trips and his Mum died in a car crash when he was very young. One night when he is sitting in the house on his own he starts to feel nauseas so he goes downstairs to get a glass of water. On arriving downstairs he discovers a man sitting in his living room but this is no ordinary man. The man is missing chunks of flesh and is bleeding everywhere but miraculously he starts to heal. The man tells lazarus that the dead are coming. After this lazarus's life is turned upside down and into a thrilling novel.
I think this book is a great book and I love the authors style of writing. I thought it was very interesting and suspenseful.
My favourite part of the book is when lazarus is fighting legion and my favourite character is Red.
I would recomend this book to any teenager that likes horror and suspense.
I have recently read a book called Vicky angel by jaquline wilson.
It is about a girl called Jade and her friend Vicky. Jade pushes vicky too hard one day and vicky falls on to the road and gets hit by a car and is in hospital, but does she die ...?
Jade can see a sort of phantom of vicky. Everywhere jade goes vicky's phantom is always there. whether it be at school, at home in the park where ever vicky is there.
There is a boy vicky and jade dont like and his name is sam.
Throughout the story sam becomes jade's sort of friend. And they might even go out together.
One day they have a fun run at school and vicky is annoying jade again. So jade ignores vicky. Sam falls over and vicky laughs so hard that she falls but jade runs out to sam and makes sure hes ok. Sam and jade run together and vicky is left to listen to her thoughts. Jade has not been eating but now she is. Vicky becomes alot nicer and in the end vicky becomes an angel and flies up to the sky with wings and dissapears.
i thought the book was a reasonably good book but it was sad because it was about death. My faverouite character was vicky because she was funny.
The book is sutible for people who like comedys and sad stories. because the book is funny and sad at the same time. All in one the book was good.
I have just finshed readind a book called "Teen Queens". The author of the book is called Cathy Hopkins.
The book is about a girl named Lia. Who starts going out with a boy called Jonno Appleton only the most popular girl in Lia's year wants to go out with him and she starts bulling Lia because of it. At first Lia thinks she's imagining it but later she realises she's not. She doesn't know what to do about it and feels like everyones talking about her behind her back. Then a little while later her english teacher ask her class to do scenes where someones getting bullied and she finds out that she isn't the only one who has been bullied by Kayle.
I really enjoyed the book. My faourite character has to be the main charater Lia. My favourite event would be when Lia finds out she's not the only one whose been bullied.
I think the book is suitable for girls and it would be good for someone who has been bullied and for someone who is getting bullied.
The book also shows that you can't just get bullied physical but mentally aswell.
Doctor Who Made Of Steel
Terrance Dicks
The text was about the Doctor and Martha and they were on earth .Martha went to see her friends at work.There was a series of robberies in high tech shops and lots of advanced equipment was stolen.The Doctor had found out about the robberies and that they were done by a group of Cybermen. Martha was found by a Cyberman but escaped and went to the hospital.Then the doctor was arrested by two large men and a woman . He was tooken to Chadwick Green to see Major Burton.Then Martha got kidnapped by a Cyberman and was tooken to there base .The Doctor and Major Burton were talking.The Majer asked the Doctor for help and the Doctor said he would .Martha was being held hostage by the cybermen and she found out there base was in the Millenium Dome The Doctor phones Martha and she tells him were she is .Then the Cybermen sent out a group of Cybermen to get him.Then Major Burton sent out rocket launchers and killed six of them .Before the Cyberlesder could get the Doctor it faded away.The Doctor went to the Dome in the TARDIS.Then the army arrived outside the Dome.The Doctor pretended he was opening the gateway to the void but instead of that he opened a gateway to the prehistoric times.A huge T.Rex bursed through and killed the 2 Cybermen and the Doctor killed the other one.Once everything was back to normal the Doctor and Martha went awin the TARDIS.My opinion on this book is it is very good and very interesting. I liked this book very very much. My favourite characters are the Doctor, Martha and the Cybermen. My favourite event in this book is when the T-Rex burst through and kills the Cybermen in the Dome. I think this book would be suitable for people who like adventurous books. i think people who like Ailiens and Spaceships will like it as well.
Doctor Who Made Of Steel
Terrance Dicks
The text was about the Doctor and Martha and they were on earth .Martha went to see her friends at work.There was a series of robberies in high tech shops and lots of advanced equipment was stolen.The Doctor had found out about the robberies and that they were done by a group of Cybermen. Martha was found by a Cyberman but escaped and went to the hospital.Then the doctor was arrested by two large men and a woman . He was tooken to Chadwick Green to see Major Burton.Then Martha got kidnapped by a Cyberman and was tooken to there base .The Doctor and Major Burton were talking.The Majer asked the Doctor for help and the Doctor said he would .Martha was being held hostage by the cybermen and she found out there base was in the Millenium Dome The Doctor phones Martha and she tells him were she is .Then the Cybermen sent out a group of Cybermen to get him.Then Major Burton sent out rocket launchers and killed six of them .Before the Cyberlesder could get the Doctor it faded away.The Doctor went to the Dome in the TARDIS.Then the army arrived outside the Dome.The Doctor pretended he was opening the gateway to the void but instead of that he opened a gateway to the prehistoric times.A huge T.Rex bursed through and killed the 2 Cybermen and the Doctor killed the other one.Once everything was back to normal the Doctor and Martha went awin the TARDIS.My opinion on this book is it is very good and very interesting. I liked this book very very much. My favourite characters are the Doctor, Martha and the Cybermen. My favourite event in this book is when the T-Rex burst through and kills the Cybermen in the Dome. I think this book would be suitable for people who like adventurous books. i think people who like Ailiens and Spaceships will like it as well.
Gary's Story, Connor Brown.
This story is about 4 people called Gary Jenny Ray Carle. There teacher is going to make them do a test but they are thinking of something to do to not do the test. They are trying to think of ideas but then Gary comes up with something. He went to the music department and got this thing and he put it to a thing that makes it tick talk tick talk. Mrs Hogan came to the class room door and Gary held the door shut and Jenny put the thing into the cupboard. Then she closed the cupboard door and Gary left the class room door open and the teacher came in and she herd the tick talk tick talk. She thought it was someone’s phone and then she heard it come from the cupboard she walked up to the cupboard door and listened. She told Ann Marie to go and get the keys and she came back with and the teacher opened the cupboard door and found it and she said you will be doing the test next week.
My favourite character is Gary and Jenny they are funny things like put that thing in the cupboard in the class room.
The book has got good characters in it and it is a very good novel. The book is suitable for age 9-18 year olds I would like it to be 9-18 year old because it is a very good book it is not too easy and not too hard.
'Come On Danny
By Chris Hamilton
The book i have recently read is by Andy Croft. It is a very short book, I got it from the school library on the 21st of October. The company who wrote the book are called Barrington Stokes who are a company who want to write short books.Danny is a 13 year old boy who tries his best but has some nasty friends who drink alcohol alot. Danny plays for the year 8 football team and is an ok player. He tries really hard in school but his friends hate it and want him to hate it too but Danny really likes writing stories and really likes his teacher. Dannys mum drinks and smokes all day and stays in her bed most of the time and doesnt take any notice of Danny or make breakfast lunch or dinner. Mrs Wilson asks Danny whats wrong and he says nothing and stops doing homework and missing school and really goes downhill. He goes out with his friends who are smoking and drinking and want to light a hedgehog on fire but Danny takes it off them and throws it in a river, someone spotted him doing it and got the wrong idea and his mum, Mrs Wilson and the RSPCA give him into trouble. He is playing for the year 8 football team and is about to take a penalty when his dad appears who Danny hasnt seen for 9 years, he misses the penalty but he doesnt care. I thought the book was really short and the writer could have put more detail into it.
"Across The Roman Wall" by Teresa Breslin.This book is about a man called Lucius and a woman called Marinetta who are captured and taken over sea to be sold as slaves.They both end up split up in two different houses and Marinetta escapes and goes to find Lucius.Marinetta looked over the wall which Lucius who was a slave in and a man grabs her neck and tries to strangle her. He finally realises it was Marinetta and she finally realises it was Lucius.They both give an important message to the commander-in-chief and they finally got to go home but you will have to read this book and find out the rest.
I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to all the who don't read alot and this book will make you want to read more.
I liked the part at first where Marinetta and Lucius never knew each other then they really get to know each other better throughout the book.People who like action books and that suff probably wont like this book.
'Missing Persons'
by M.E. Rab
Four young girls live in a tiny town called Venice in Indiana.
All four of them wanted to start a complete new life so they changed their hair colours and also changed their names to have a complete new start.
They all also were thinking of a new talent so they got a new talent.They ryan away from Queens New York and began there new life happily there.
Three of the girls met a few boys they were getting closer to them.
But one of the girls had no interest in boys because she stuck really in at school and all she thought she needed was her family and friends.
The boys a few weeks later then came rushing back but they all make up and go out for dinner and the girls enemies were in the exact same restaurant and the enemies made a plan to act all nice to them but they were upto something and the girls came and sat therselfs down at the same table and were being really nice and aplogizing for the past and the girls forgave them.
Weeks later the girls friendship no longer lasted because the enemies had split up because they were only being nice to the girls to snatch the boys off them.
The girls then all made up and went back to normal but there was only the boys missing but it did not matter cause they could carry on without them.
The girls then all aranged to move to the ''Essex''.
They got a career for beautition training so they booked tickets for all girls to go even though they will miss their parents they will go and visit alot.
Two weeks later all there stuff was ready and packed and was ready to leave in five minutes and the boys came to the door but the girls were off to a new country.
I think this book is not interesting but someone people may be into stuff like that.
by Shannon Marshall.
I have recently read a book called "How to Fight a Girl" by Thomas Rockwell.
IT is about a boy called Billy who is on his bike and an other boy pretends that Billy tripped him up and he acts like he has really hurt himself, and he also pretends to faint. Billy and Joe carry him to a field where Billy finds out he was only joking but his mom thinks other wise.
Billy gets his bike taken off him forever. But when a pretty girl called Amy comes over Billy is aloud. Meanwhile Joe and Alan are thinking of a way to prank Billy called the Smear.
Amy counts out on the Smear because she thinks its not fair. So Alan Joe and Rena prank them both but Billy and Amy find out and follow them around. Rena Joe And Alan pretend to smoke and Rena and Alan kiss to pretend it is Billy and Amy. They also spray BF<3AM with cream all over shop windows. Billy and Amy's mothers find out but do they get into lots of trouble...
I thought the book was good because it was funny but romantic at the same time. I would say the book would be good for girls than for boys because it is mare of a rom-com. But boys might like it to. My over all score is 7/10 because it had to many chapters.
By Carly Hall
By Carley Hall
The book I have recently read was called "The Time Machine" by Pauline francis. It was a great book that when I started reading it I couldn't stop.
It is about a man called the time traveller he makes time machines and then he goes into the future in them. When he gets into the future he goes a walk with these tiny little white creaturesbut he comes back his time travveller machine has vanished. So he spends 4 hard fighting days to try and find his time machine. There is alot in his way like little white creatures and horrible little white creatures, but will he ever get his time machine back.
I think that this book was great and interesting. I felt it made me excited alot in this book. My favourite part is when he is in the well looking for his time machine and all of the little white horrible creatures tried to kill him but they didn't.
I think that this book is suitable for an age group of about 11-13 because it is a little bit hard to understand in some parts. I think that 60people out of 100 people would enjoy this book.
Hope you enjoy when or if you read this book.
Cassie Reid
November 2010
I have just read a book called "Beautiful Dead". The athor of the book is called Eden Maguire.
The book is about a girl called Darina who is the only one who knows about the beautiful dead. One of the beautiful dead called Summer has her one year death anniversire coming up and if Darina can't find out who killed her then Summer won't be able to move on.
My opinion of the book is that it was really good. My favourite charcter in the book is Darina. I like her because she never gave up on Summer no matter what obtiles that got in her way. My favourite event in the book was when Darina went back in time to the day Summer was killed. To find out who really killed Summer.
I think the book would be sutible for teenage girl readers because it's written more for older kids than yonger ones. I also think the book is good for anyone who would like to make it into the police force would like it.
I think the book also shows how the police investagate murders and how long they can take to slove them and that the person who they might suspect the most might not have done it.
"The Beautiful Dead"
By Eden Maguire
This book is about a girl called Darina whose boyfriend and three friends are all dead.Darina is very sad over her boyfriends{Phoenix} death.One day she visits an isolated barn and finds her dead boyfriend.Alive.All around him are her three friends and more peoplewho call themselves the Beautiful Dead.Darina leaves in a hurry but whenever she gets close to them she hears wings.Then she mets all Beautiful Dead.The Beautiful Dead are zombies come back for a year.They must find out why and who killed them before the year is up.Darina helps Jonas first.will Darina find out in time?
I really liked the first Beautiful Dead book because it was really goood and unusual.I think its a real shame for Darina because she lost some of her friends and her boyfriend.Phoenix {Darinas boyfriend}is my favourite character cause hes so nice to Darina and loves her.I also really like him cause hes one of the mysterious Beautiful Dead.I really like him cause hes not alive but hes not dead.Hes cool.
I think this book is sutible for teenagers.I dont think its sutible for for young kids cause it might be scary for them or mabye just to much to read.It might be sutible for an adult with an open imagination or belief in mythical creature.Teenagers should like it but zombies might not be everyones taste.
People who have watched or read Twilight series should like this book because its much the same thing.Except zombies instead of vampires .Its not like most zombie books.These are different zombies!
Dying to be Famous
Tanya Ladman
Dying to be Famous is a book about two average kids,Poppy and Graham who star in a big paly with celebrity and actor Tiffany Webb who has been reciving threats from a mysterious stalker.Both Poopy and Graham investigate and are detrmind to find out who the satlker is !
I think it's a really good book because there's alot of mystery and excitment and you just cant wait to get to the end .My favourite events are when Geoff is first killed but nobody knew why he died. Also when Cynthia was murdered because she got hit on the head with an axe. And then when everyone finds out the truth that there wa no stalker it wasTiffany and Jason killing everyone,tiffany was miming and Tiffany was killed bye Rex
I think the book is suitable for everyone beacause it's fun and exciting. I would give the book to my friends and family i think they would enjoy it. I really enjoyed the book and i will defenitly read more of Tanya ladmans books.
A book i have recently read is "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins.
The book is about a 16 year old girl who lives on a terrible world in the future.Each year 1 boy and 1 girl from each district are sent to fight to the death. This year it's her year. Will she be victorious and famous or be killed and forgotten.
In my opinion this book was fantastic in all ways. It was the best book that i have ever read. My favourite character was Haymitch because he was never sober. The best part would have to be the forest fire.
This book is a suitable book for ages 10-14 in my opinion. I think people who like action and a little romance would really like this book.
Even though there is romance it doesn't ruin the action. In fact it makes it a more heart stopping book and the famous writers that have read it. One of these famous readers is Stephen King and he said "constant suspence... I couldn't stop reading."
By Robbie Howard
The book i have been reading for my read to suceed is called castles and catastrophes by Ros Asquith.The book is about a girl called Cordelia Arbutnot.She wants to become a writer like her aunt, aura Hunt.She is about to be split up from bestfriend Callum because they need to go to two diffrent schools.
Cordelia doesn't know anyone from her new school.Callum thinks his dad is having an afair with another girl named Barbra when really shes only and old family friend and is helping hid dad organize a party for his wife.Cordelia is informed about a writing competion at school .Callum and Cordelia set up a booby trap to catch out Callum and Barbra.Callum finds out the situation about whats happend.Cordelia finishes her book and enters it in the competion to see if she could when best romance,but she ends up winning best comedy.She also finds out more information about her quiet friend Viola and she finds out that Viola's dad is in prison.
I really enjoyed the book and i thought it was exciting to read.My favourite event was when they made the booby trap and it didn't work out the way it was supposed to . My favourite character was Viola because she was a kind of shy,sneaky,liar.
I think the book is suitable for young teenagers.
by Robyn White
A book i have recently read and found interesting was Bad Girls. This book was written by Jackqueline Wilson. It was about a girl called Mandy who is being bullied at school becuase her mum treats her like a baby. The three girls who are bullying her are called Sarah ,Kim and Melanie. Mandy and melanie used to be friends but Melanie and Kim are friend now so Melanie diesnt want to be friends with Mandy now. Mandy meets a new friend called Tanya, but Mandys mum doesnt want her playing with Tanya because she thinks shes a BAD girl so doesnt want Mandy playing wioth her incase she gets into trouble with her, but Mandyus dad thinks thaat her mum should give her a chance to see how thyey get in and she thinks she should give Tanya a chance.Tanya and Mandy go shopping one day but Tanya gets caugth shop lifting and has to move away but will Mandy ever see her bestfriend again ?. . .
This book is verry good and would be appropriate for children the age of 10-14 because other people older would fine it boaring or too babyish for them.
by Emma Morgan
Invisible Ink and the auther is called Barbara Mitchelhill.
This story is about a man called Mathew he worksin a factory and his boss is called Tony and one night 3 men broken in to the factory and they tied up Tony and stolling computers.
I think the book is brilliant it is got good characters in it.My favourite character is Matthew he is a very good character in this book.
I think it is sutable for 11 year olds to 16 year olds. I think they would like it because it is very intresting and very good.
It is good and interesting for teenagers and it is also good for reading it in your bed. I enjoyed this book because the characters were very life like and almost made me feel like I was in the book myself.
Conner Brown
the book was about a house covered in poison ivy and a small boy and his dog go to the house and decide to go in the ivy riddled house and hell breaks loose.I realy enjoyed the book and my favourite event is when he goes looking for his dog through the ivy riddled house and my favourite character was the dog i think it is suttible for ages 12-13 and people who like books that are very tense and have a twist to theme will enjoy this book.I liked this part because when he goes to find spot he is very anxus and determined to beat the ivy to get to spot.Also spot barks to let him know where he is and also because he gets a big shock when he meets the ivy monster.I liked this charcter because he is realy cleaver and very small and can move alot quicker and you can tell he loves barry becaus when barry went looking for spot and met up wiyh the ivy monster and he tryed to run but the ivy shoot out a big peace of ivy and got him by the neck and strangled him and thene spot came and broke the ivy.When barry got to spot he was whimpering and looking at a half opend door so barry had to look to see what spot was scared of behind the dorr whene barry goes to spot he sees something that no other human has seen before an ivy monster that had black dark holes for eyes and like twisted ivy for legs and arms and torso barry started to get strangled by the ivy he caught a glimps of a pair of sissors and he grabbed theme and slashed the ivy with theme and thene he heard spot barking and couldent carry on and fainted and then spot came baking and whimpering ones he realised barry has fainted and likes his face and awakens barry and he is glad to see spots face and spot bites the ivy to set barry free and thene they went home and the ivy coverd the door once again the end
I have recently read a book called Greed By Chris Ryan.
The book is about a man called Matt who needs money fast so as an ex-SAS soilder MI5 offers him a job, no charges one month 2 millon pounds it seems to be easy then when the mission is over the members of the group and their families start to get hunted down and brutally murdered. Matt was only trying to sort his life out but hes only made it worse
One of my favourite parts in it was where they robbed the boat to get the money. The skill and equipment used was what made it one of the most exciting parts in the book.
The book has betrayal , war and greed packed into every single page.I would recommend this book to any boy who can read quite alot and likes SAS type books...
Chris ryan is a good offer and this is one of many of his books i have read.
By Steven Muir
My book was called beast quest and it is by Adam Blade.
The book is about a boy called Marco and he is on look out for his rebal camp and he spots his dragon in the distance getting chased by a huge mammoth.The mammoth pushes its tusks into the dragons body.marco shouts stop it and the huge creature turns and charges towards him.
After he has been chased he and his friend go on an adventure to find his dragon in the deep woods.After a while they find the dragon tangled up in snake ferns.
When he is trying to free his dragon he gets attacked by the mammoth.he starts to fight it but it is no good so he jumps on its head and tries to stab it but its fur is to thick.Marco gets flung to the ground.
Marcos friend gets tangled in snake ferns but manages to get down but gets stabbed by the mammoths tusks and gets poisned.
Marco takes his freind back to the camp but noone was there so he sends his shadow to search the camp to see if there was any sign of life.The shadow spots 4 gaurds with swords so the shadoe hurrys back to Marcos feet.
Marco meets his old enemy and starts to fight him.
Marco gets new allies and tries to defeat the mammoth.
Marco eventually defeats the mammoth.
The book i have read is called blood & ice by Neil Tonge the book is about a boy named Vanya who lived in Russia ,he was living in a city called Leningrad. The Germans set her city on fire so they all had to try to escape Vanya did escapebut had to go himself he went on a journey to find his Dad. People started to die from starvation and hypothermia and others burned to death.
Vanya went on a journey to find his Dad with a sacred cross but he got captured and held hostage Vanya tries to escape but can't. Hallowcheeks,who is holding him captive he put the cross underneath the floorboards,because he thought he stole it. He says he is one of them.After that Hallowcheeks put Vanya on a lead so he couldn't escape.Vanyaescaped after Hallowcheeks was shot by the Germans, but was again captured by the German soldiers. A German corporal asked Vanya if he new were osinovets was. Vanya and the Germans travalled all day to Lake Ladoga. They eventually got there and they found Osinovets who turned out to be his Dad. This is a good book to read because it is exciting and you don't know what's going to happen next.
the book was about a house covered in poison ivy and a small boy and his dog go to the house and decide to go in the ivy riddled house and hell breaks loose.I realy enjoyed the book and my favourite event is when he goes looking for his dog through the ivy riddled house and my favourite character was the dog i think it is suttible for ages 12-13 and people who like books that are very tense and have a twist to theme will enjoy this book.I liked this part because when he goes to find spot he is very anxus and determined to beat the ivy to get to spot.Also spot barks to let him know where he is and also because he gets a big shock when he meets the ivy monster.I liked this charcter because he is realy cleaver and very small and can move alot quicker and you can tell he loves barry becaus when barry went looking for spot and met up wiyh the ivy monster and he tryed to run but the ivy shoot out a big peace of ivy and got him by the neck and strangled him and thene spot came and broke the ivy.When barry got to spot he was whimpering and looking at a half opend door so barry had to look to see what spot was scared of behind the dorr whene barry goes to spot he sees something that no other human has seen before an ivy monster that had black dark holes for eyes and like twisted ivy for legs and arms and torso barry started to get strangled by the ivy he caught a glimps of a pair of sissors and he grabbed theme and slashed the ivy with theme and thene he heard spot barking and couldent carry on and fainted and then spot came baking and whimpering ones he realised barry has fainted and likes his face and awakens barry and he is glad to see spots face and spot bites the ivy to set barry free and thene they went home and the ivy coverd the house ones gain and barry and spot left the house and went home for a week or two and let things lie for a while and they returned two wekks later ande they went back in to the horrible house and let bhistory repet its self and they were never seen again i thout this book was good because it wos full of suprises and unexpected things happening
(Twilight)Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
This book is the 4th the series it is about a girl named Bella she falls for a boy named Edward but the thing is hes a vampire when she finds out in the first book she wasn't afraid of him she says she wants to be with him ans a life time isn't good enough for her. In the second book is was her birthday and Alice Edwards sister throws a birthday party for Bella and at the party Bella gets a paper cut and Edward throws Bella at a table because jasper tries to attack her on the same nght Edward drives her home and she tells him she wants to be a vampire Edward says no and walks away Bella goes in the house the next day after school Edward is waiting for her and asks her to walk with him and tells her hes leaving and goes. Bella mouns because she loves him he comes back because Bella goes after in Jacob Bellas best friend tries to stop her but couldn't Alice take Bella to Edward, in the third book is were Edward asks Bella to marry him Bella says yes but only if he turns her and near the end before the battle Jacob tells Bella he loves her but Bella loves him as her brother, Jacob over hears Edward and Bella talking about them getting married and it hurts Jacob. In the fourth one Breaking Dawn has it for three point of views first is Bella and shes getting married and she goes on her honeymoon and gets pregant in the second point of view is Jacob and it shows how he feels and how shes going throw her pregantsey and the third is Bella and its how she feels being a vampire and theres a battle at the end.
Dizzy by Cath Cassidy.
Kath was only young when her mum left her with her dad and Kath did not know her mother well they were not away from each and other.
Kath grew up without any friends
they left her out and did not bother with her,they were nasty so she found it easier to wait till she finds her true friends.
It was a year went past and it was her birthday she alwats expected a letter from her mother having wrote weird words which Kath could not understand what it meant.
This year it was her birthday but she did not get a letter from her mother.
She thought her mum didn't want anything to do with her. but there was a night after that Kath went to sleep and dreamed that her mum came to the door to come back to live with her and dad/boyfriend.
Next day there was a chap at the door,Kath opened the door it was her mother.
She was back for Good,Kath and dad was so happy!
by Shannon Marshall
Dizzy by Cath Cassidy.
Kath was only young when her mum left her with her dad and Kath did not know her mother well they were not away from each and other.
Kath grew up without any friends
they left her out and did not bother with her,they were nasty so she found it easier to wait till she finds her true friends.
It was a year went past and it was her birthday she alwats expected a letter from her mother having wrote weird words which Kath could not understand what it meant.
This year it was her birthday but she did not get a letter from her mother.
She thought her mum didn't want anything to do with her. but there was a night after that Kath went to sleep and dreamed that her mum came to the door to come back to live with her and dad/boyfriend.
Next day there was a chap at the door,Kath opened the door it was her mother.
She was back for Good,Kath and dad was so happy!
by Shannon Marshall
The book i have recently read is Shoot to win by Dan Freedman.
The book is about a boy called jamie who has a dream about being a proffesional football but his coach for the school thinks that he is not good.jamie has a friend jack who plays for the girls school team.
I think this book is very good. I enjoyed reading it during school. My favorite character is jamie. I lkie him because he is good at football and has a good dream. My other favorite character is jack. l like her because she is loyal to jamie and is also good at football. My favorite event is when jamie does his stepover against Jack and she was amazed. My other favorite event is when jamie goes up to his coach and calls him Hillary. My other favorite event is when jamie meets his dad. I like this event because it is nice that he finaly meets his dad. Another event I like is when Jamie s Dad tells him that he could get him proffesional. I like this event because Dillon keeps saying that jamie johnson will never become a proffesional football player.
I think that this book is suitable for children over nine and I think that everyone who likes football would want to read this
By Daniel Dixon
The book I have read is called The Beast Quest by Adam Blade.
This book is all about a boy called tom, there is seven beats and a evil wizard has changed the baets into evil but he has only let on out and that is Ferno The fire, breathing Drongon. Tom gose to the king. The king knows toms dead dad. Tom gets armor and a sword and wakes up the next morning and talkes to the good wizard notn the evil one. He left the king palace and he was waling for ages then he sees a wolf he quickly pulls out his sword but the wolf was not growling at tom it was the two soldieres that jumped at tom and the wolf. They run away safe they bump into the wolf leader. It was a young girl so they both went to undo the dragon they eventually found the dragon then...
My opinion of the book is Iliked the book because it is a action book and thats what i like. My favourite events is the last chapter when tom, the girl and the wolf is fighting the drogon
This book is suitable for people who like action books
By Luke Campbell
The book I have been reading is called Daizy Star and the Pink Guitar by Cathy Cassidy.
The book is about a girl called Daizy and for her birthday she got a pink guitar .She has 3 best friends called Willow, Beth and Murphy. She also has 2 sister's called Becca and Pixie . Daizy saw on her dads laptop a thing that said African Project . They think that there going to go on holiday to Africa. Dad then tells them that there going to live there instead but they havent to tell mum because she doesn't know . Mum doesn't want to go to Africa . Daizy, Willow , Beth and murphy make a band and they go in for a competition but they dont win . You will have to read the rest of the book to see weither they go to Africa or not .
I thought the book was good. My favourite part of the book was when Daizy's band are practising and they are really really bad . It was funny .
I think the book is suitable for people who don't read that much because you can really get into the book and enjoy it .
House of secrets
This is about a boy and a girl named, Paul and Caro, one day it was hot outside and Paul and Caro were bored so Paul asked if Caro wanded to go to the Four Towers a old house no one went too, at first they thought no one was in but a woman came out the front door shocked both Paul and Caro.The woman invited them in Paul didn't feel right about it and from then on Paul got more and more uneasy and one day Paul was researching on the internet and fond out that the madame was dead and had no children and that death goes with the woman who lives in the Four Towers mrs thead and that shes taken the place of the madame and that waxwork is witchcraft witches do it to their enemys and he fond out that mrs thead is about to do it to Caro, Paul went to Caros on the way home and her mum told him she was at the Four Towers and Paul who didn't know if what he read on the internet was true he went to the Four Towers to get Caro and when he knoched no answer so he climbed in the window and went to the basement and saw mrs thead looks like the madame and was trying to turn Caro, Paul got out of the house with Caro but in doing so they burned the house and got away.
I have recently read a book called lightning lucy by jeremy strong.
It is a about a little girl called lucy and she has always wondered what it would be like to have superpowers. And one day a 4 year old got stuck up a tree and lycy thought 4 years olds could fly. Lucy loves to play piano but is very bad at it. One day when she was really really dirty shre got the piano all dirty and when her mum was giving her into lots and lots of trouble she suddenly turned her hearing off and she could not hear what her mum was saying.
In class Lucy always doodles herself flying or saving the day. but always ends up in trouble. Then one day when she was doing her school play, she was an angel and started flying!
She had discovered she had superpowers, and when her superpowers start she glows red and can do lots of things.
One day when she was bored she played a prank on her sisters. She made a new brand of cereal called pruno. Then after the prank her cereal became famous and everyone started eating it even though it tasted like prunes!
The next week her parents took her to the fair were she saw lots of pigs. her friend said she thinks there would ba a thunder storm. Her frined was right and the thunderstorm would kill everyone. Unless Lucy gives up her superpowers. It took lucy no time to think and she said....... if you want to find out you will have to read the book.
I think this book is for children more than teenagers. Therefor i diddent really like it and i would recommend it for younger people.
TOP OF THE MOPS a play by juia donakson
The pley is a but 2 boys and 2 mums the play starts witha boy called andy and his mum carol andy whars to being a band but he needs a singer and andys mum needs a cleaner andy was reding the pepur and sheen an add so he pond up and ask if he chod potan add in the peour for a singur.andy pot the pepur down to go to the tolit his mum cemfrom the kitnon.she sheen the pepur and pick it up she seen the bit to pot an add in the paper so shedid to.I fhot the book eas relly good it was funny. my fewry caritur was spik he liek to play the drums and sing he like rock mosik and hevey metill.I think gges loie whod like it.I fhinck it whod bey sotuboll for sumwon how can read and liek funny book and like to read play. the other character is spicks mum calld doris she is for the clening job but she likes to sing it wasrelly funny becos they get mischcwl.
the book is called gwennie and the author is francis usher.the book is about love,betray and ghost (the dead people.) because there is this girl called gwennieand she gets on the bus every saturday and goes to the airfield but she is not alive and basically not dead either only person who sees and hears her is stve the bus driver.the book was alright but a littel bit on the boring side.I didn't like it at all so mabey you will like it or hate it.My favourite cahrecter is called gwennie because she is funny and dead but she aint all dead she is half alive so its freaky and confusing. i think the book is sutible for anyoenover 8 years old if your under that you might get a bit confused alot what is happing.the book is quite boring but there was one part i thought was quit funny was because gwennie was on the bus and this old guy was behind her and she stuck her tounge out and shouted 'you old bat !!!!!!/ at him i seriously think this book is really confusing like it jumps from part to part one minute you think shes alive next you think shes dead its like make up your mind your dead or alive.the end part is quite sad because joe dies and gwennie turns up beside him and hums to him the excat same tune as she sis when she was on the bus.i rate this book 5/10
ma txt wiz about a wee monster bit u widnay expect him ta bee a wee monster he is iways polit in very well manored and quite a clever wee chap my own opinion on the book is i enjoyed it it was full of suprises and twists and full of excitment my favirot nevent was when loan had to out smart the bullyes whe he first arrived at the school and it worcked he told the main bully that if he took out his bolts his head would fall off but the bully didnt beleve him so he started to be very checky and ubnixious and telling loan hes nothing but a little liar and loan said if i nam a liar why havent u tried it yet the bully stod silent and said were not scared of any thing ever then loan said well go on then what u wating for then scaredey cat hurry up so the bully started to un losen the boults from his neck ................... my favirot charecter was loans friend because he is always making the right choices this book is sutible for any one over the age a ten
Beautiful Dead- Summer
By Eden Maguire
The book that i have recently read is called Beautiful Dead - Summer.It is written by Eden Maguire and is the thid book in the series.
The text is about Darina and the Beautiful Dead(who are zombies)and what they get up to.During this book Darina is in danger when investigating a murder for the Beautiful Dead.At the same time she is trying to balance her friends and family.
My opinion of this book is that it this very good and exciting.I like it because Darina(who is my favourite character)gets to do investigating for the beautiful dead and is in danger all the time.My favourite part is when they go back in time to see who murdered Darinas friend,Summer.
I think this book is sutible for teenagers and adults.It might be scary for kids or or they might not understand it.Plenty of people would like this book.
There is still one more book to go in the series.Beautiful Dead-Phoenix.Darinas only love. That book should be good.
I have recently read a book called how to fight a girl, by Thomas Rockwell. It is about a boy called Billywho is on his bike and another boy pretents that Billy tripped him up he acts like he has really hurt him-self, and he also pretends to faint. Billy and Joe carry him to a feild where Billy finds out he was joking but his mum thinks other wise.Billy gets his bike taken off of him forever. But when a pritty girl called Amy comes over to him he is then alowwed his bike. Mean while Joe and Alan are thinking on playind a prank on Billy called A Smear. Amy counts out on the smear because she thinks it is not fair. So Alan, Joe and Rena Prank them both but Billy and Amy find out an dfollow them around. Rena and Joe and Alan pretend to smoke. and Rena and Alan kiss to pretend that they are Billy and Amy, they also spray Bf<3 AG all over shop windows with cream. Billy and Amys mothers find out but do they get in to lots of trouble.
I thought this book was good because it was funny but romantic at the same time. I would say that this book was for girls more than boys. I would give this book an 8 out of 10.
By Cassie Reid.
the book I have just recently finshed is called Soccer squad glory,the author is Bali rai
This book is about a team called Rushton reds Abs is like telling the book hes a striker.The team has girls in it but the girls are good.They are at the second round and there are playing there langton.They won 2-1 ,they were visiting there coach he is recoving from a heart attck.They win the next cup match 5-0 against Rockwell Rangers.They were in the semi finals against a team who had already beaten them in the league.It was kick off for the semi final the second half ended 3-1they were getting beat the final score ended 4-3 to them everyone went crazy thats them in the final a step a way from glorly ......
I liked this book because i like football and it was very intresting .I kept wanting to reade on to see if they won the cup.My favourite character is lily because she was like the best player and she scord lods of goals and she was a good dribler.
It is suitable for people who enjoy football.
by Luke Campbell
the book I have just recently finshed is called Soccer squad glory,the author is Bali rai
This book is about a team called Rushton reds Abs is like telling the book hes a striker.The team has girls in it but the girls are good.They are at the second round and there are playing there langton.They won 2-1 ,they were visiting there coach he is recoving from a heart attck.They win the next cup match 5-0 against Rockwell Rangers.They were in the semi finals against a team who had already beaten them in the league.It was kick off for the semi final the second half ended 3-1they were getting beat the final score ended 4-3 to them everyone went crazy thats them in the final a step a way from glorly ......
I liked this book because i like football and it was very intresting .I kept wanting to reade on to see if they won the cup.My favourite character is lily because she was like the best player and she scord lods of goals and she was a good dribler.
It is suitable for people who enjoy football.
by Luke Campbell
Deadly Game
By Tony Bradman
Martin Chatterson
This book is about a boy who hates his family and his little sister "James Prssing the knife point against his little sisters neck.
My opinion of this book, I like it and its a little bit spooky with all the Ghosts and monsters
I Think my favourite event on the book is when they were playing "the deadly game" AKA Hide and Seek but deadly.My Favourtie Character was Mr James because he was the most violent person on the book.
I Think this book is suitible for people who like violent stuff and deaths. If You like girly books Dont buy this.
The main character of my opinion
was Billy becuase he played in every scene of the book and he was also one of my favourtie characters of the book aswell as he did fun stuff.
Voodoo Child
by Tony Bradman
Martin Chatterson
This book was bout a little girl getting revenge on her dads girlfreind for stealing dad from mum.She overheard the radio talking about Voodoo Dolls
My Opinion on the book was that is was kind of violent because the girlfreubd was gettubg hurt over love.My Favourtie Character was megan because she had guts to use Voodoo Magic.
I think this book is suitible for people into violence and just get get enough joy from these books.
It is more of a boys book I'd Say because alot of bad things happen and megan does'nt seem to care.
The Nightmare Room by R.L Stine
Spencer Turner just purchased A cool new gadget called the holwer. It's supposed to allow spencer to pick up the howls of ghosts and spirits. Spencer would love to communicate with the spirit world.
My opinion on the book is it is layed out fantastic and it was a bit scary with the ghosts and spirits appering from nowhere. My favourite charcters were Spencer , vanessa and scott. My favourite event was when they played a trick on scott with the howler.
I think the book is suitable for 11 years and over because it is a wee bit scary and i think my Auntie would like it because she likes scary things like this.
He can't wait to see if it works. Unfortunately , Spencer soon hears is own howls of horror-because when he turns on the howler , he opens a channel to the nightmare room. I really liked this book. By Chloe Rhodick
The Flea Thing
by Brian Faulkner
Danny tells Frank he wants to play for the warriors.Daniel is 12 years old and he doesn't give up until he gets a try-out.He eventually gets the tryout.He uses the thing to pass the test where he blinks and everybody freezes.Daniel and his friends found an old park that nobody knew about.It had a real plane and an old tractor you could play on.Daniel get nicknamed the Flea by his teamates. Henry Knight makes friends with him.I really like this book but I would have preffered it if it was football.My favourite evnt in this is when Daniel gets the winnning try against the Machetes for the cup.My favourite character in this is Henry Knight because he's a nice guy and a good rugby player.This book is suitable for anyone prefferably rugby fans.This book was pretty good and I will be hoping to read more of the series too.I want to readmore by Brian Faulkner because he seems a good author.
Horrid Henry's
By Francesca Simon
This book is about a boy called henry, Also Known as "Horrid Henry"
He Lives with his mum and his dad and also his little brother called peter.Henry Hates peter because he always clypes On henry. Henry hates school because he always gets into trouble. He thinks its not fair to go to school. Henry has a club called the purple hand gang so does peter "Perfect Boys Club".
My opinion on this book, i Think this book is a fun book and active and alot of nasty things in it. its funny and includes stupid parts in it.
I think this book is suitible for children around the age of 3-5 That can read
People who like Humorus books should read this such as if you like jokes. people who have seen the the TV Program will enjoy this book. This book also has some funny scenes in it and they make you want tp read the other horrid henrys.
Horrid Henry's
By Francesca Simon
This book is about a boy called henry, Also Known as "Horrid Henry"
He Lives with his mum and his dad and also his little brother called peter.Henry Hates peter because he always clypes On henry. Henry hates school because he always gets into trouble. He thinks its not fair to go to school. Henry has a club called the purple hand gang so does peter "Perfect Boys Club".
My opinion on this book, i Think this book is a fun book and active and alot of nasty things in it. its funny and includes stupid parts in it.
I think this book is suitible for children around the age of 3-5 That can read
People who like Humorus books should read this such as if you like jokes. people who have seen the the TV Program will enjoy this book. This book also has some funny scenes in it and they make you want tp read the other horrid henrys.
One day lucy Edmund Peter and Susan were playing hide and seek with her brothers and sisters Lucy hides in a wardrobe and finds out that she is in 12 inches of soft smooth snow she walks slowly to a house she meets a person called Mr Tumnus then she goes back.Edmund goes to Narnia and he meets a queen and she gives him turkish delight and she gives him more and more but he gets a tummy ake he comes back and lucy tells them Edmund was at Narnia Edmund lies and says he wasn't and makes her really sad like allways they all go into Narnia and find a lion called Aslan theyget ready to fight they learn by the soldiers of Narnia
The book i read was called the savage by david almond.its about this boy who lost his dad and he wrote this story and he has never ever let anyone read it and its like his own diary but its a staory and there are 2 main characters called savage.blue (the boy who wrote the story) and blue gets bullied by a boy called hopper and its a really good story but its werid at some parts but awsome at others.
this book is probably sutible for a teenager 13+.My favourite charecter is blue because he proves that writing isn't all that bad its good for you because you get all your emotions on to one piece of paper i really recommend this book to people to read it because its a rating out 0f 10 for me and i would score it 10/10
by chloe sheach
I have recently read a book called The Karate Princess. It was very funny. It was wrote by Jeremy Strong.
It was about a young princess called Belinda and she has 16 siplings. she is the ugliest one. When she was born her father said ugh. Princess Bilind has a dream and it is to become a karate princess. But it takes her a while. She has to go to the study room where she gets home schooled but one day she tells the teacher that her father says shes never to come back. then she tells her father that she wants to do karate. Her father thinks that it is a silly idea,but he goes along with it. He got her a punch bag and put it in the old study room, Bilinda shows her parents all the things she can do. Her mum organised a lunch followed by a karate proformance. There was a handsome prince called prince Bruno he was very interested in Bilinda and the karate idea. They started going out. But decided just to be friends. Belind a tought Bruno how to do karate. When everyone found out they all went mad esspesally Belindas dad.
By Cassie Reid xxx
My book is called The hundred-Mile an hour dog by Jeremy Strong.
I like the bit where Tina and Trevor tried to train Trevor's dog called Streaker.Trevor came up with some plans/ideas but they didn't really work and Tina's plans didn't really work either.Charlie said if they didn't train streaker they were to go in a mud bath with all sorts of stuff in it.
I think this book was ok because at some parts were boring like:Tina and Trevor had ideas/plans but none of them worked.Some parts were good when one of the ideas/plans worked because they put a mobile on streaker and they kept a mobile phone and when streaker heard the phone he would come back.
I think this book is suitable for all ages because they would really enjoy it.They would enjoy the bit where charlie said if they didn't train streaker they would go in a mud bath and when streaker started to fight with a cat in another house.dad was a bit mad when streaker broke one of the phones and knocked the other ohone out of Trevor's hand.Trevor had to pay money for two new phones and money for more dog biscuits because Trevor gave them all to streaker.
Scream Street Blood of the witch
by Tommy Bonavand
Blood trickled down a vampires fangs.The vampires son Resus says leave some for everyone else. Luke Watson a werewolf is over at the vampires house for a visit with his Mum and Dad.The vampires ran out of blood witch was strainge because it had never ran out before.Luke Watson and Resus met up with Cleo Farr the third member of the Relic Hunting tem.There going to find the gift of the second founding father.The gang found a witch called Efa Everwell down the sewers and deside to go and investigate.
Ryan Inglis
Jimmy Coats survival
By joe craig
Neptunes Shaddow the swccond largest oil rig in the world has blown up. The Brittish secret service think france is responsiable so they launch am attack on a highly valuable building code named mutam-ul-it. The Brittish fire 1 missile too many and the building becomes too unstable for any normal person to enter. But Jimmy Coats is no normal person. He is a genetically engineered goverment assassian and is only 38% human. And hes the only one who can stop the war!!!
Adam Reid.
The book i have just read is called wicked chickens by Vivian French. I think this book is aimed at 8-13 year olds. The book was ok,but it was quite silly and i wouldn't recommend it. The book is about a boy called charlie,who lives with his mum,dad and sister who is called Ally.His dad wins top prize at the bingo. They all want to move to a small quite and cozy cottage. They couldn't afford to buy the cottage but they rented out the cottage. They have an argument in the car,because they're angry that they're going to have chickens living with them in there new home. When they get there, Charlie thinks that there is something wrong with them. No-one beleives him until the morning that mum pulls back the curtains and she got the fright of her life. She sees the chickens cracked teeth and beaming red eyes. She convinces the others that what charlie was saying is true.
The book I have been reading is The Worry Website by Jacqueline Wilson. Its about young school children who have the chance to type up there worries and get help to solve them out.
Chapter 1 is about Holly’s worry. She is worried because her dad is marrying someone who is evil and will be her stepmother and she’s really upset about it. She is jealous because her baby sister gets all the attention and she get paid no attention at all and she feels left out.
Chapter 2 is Greg’s worry. He is worried because there is a girl at his school who he likes but she doesn’t know he exists. He also gets bullied from his classmates.
Chapter 3 is about Claire’s worry. She is Worried because every night she has the same nightmare and she’s worried uncase it will come true. Her mum has even tried to get help for her and she also is worried.
Chapter 4 is about Williams worry. William is worried because he is useless in school and has trouble learning and spelling.
Chapter 5 is Samantha’s Worry. She has family problems and is always left to look after her younger brother. Samantha also struggles to make friends.
Chapter 6 Is about Lisa’s worry. Lisa worries about a lot of things like her appearance and because she has spots. Her family help her through her worries.
Chapter 7 is Natasha’s worry. She’s worried because she has a disability and is left out in school. Natasha has wanted to take part in a school show for ages but no one will let her because of this. She starts to feel upset and worried because she is just like any other child . Everyone keeps teasing her about the show and she starts to get very angry.
The children all get to discuss there worries with There help teacher Mr Speed. The children soon sort out there worries and there life is back to normal.
I think this book is for people aged 10+. I really enjoyed reading it and will read other Jacqueline Wilson books.
by Robyn White
The book I have recently read and found interesting was love lottery by Cathy Hopkins. Thus book is about a girl named Becca who’s mum and dad are always arguing because they’ve none money and Becca is upset with her mum & dad so she packs a bag and runs away, but she only runs away for a couple of hours because she’s sacred and its getting dark outside and she thinks its going to rain and it too cold so she goes back home. When she gets home her mum doesn’t even know she was away out because she thought she was upstairs in her bedroom. Becca’s mum and dad are running low on money so Becca’s mum wants to put money away somewhere for later on in the year if they’ve got none money, but they don’t have any money to put away, for the future. Finally something’s going to make them all very happy especially Becca’s dad, because his book has finally been published and he’s getting money for it. Becca’s dad books a fancy and expensive hotel for them all but Becca’s mums no happy and another big argument stars and this time its serious because Becca and he dad both want to go but Becca’s mum wants to put the money away for the future, but finally se gives in and they go on holiday for a couple of weeks and Becca loves the hotel and her room because she has her own bathroom and bath tub. While there n holiday Becca’s mum and dad have another big argument but this time they break up and decide to have a break for each other, Becca is very upset and hates her mum for it and blames it on her. When they get back from on holiday Becca’s dad goes to Bristol to live with his sister for a while but will Becca ever see her dad again?..
By Emma Morgan
'Border Crossing'
By Pat Barker
This book is about a young man called Danny Miller and someone called Tom Seymour.
When Danny was younger he was put in court as he had killed an old lady called Lizzie Parks.
Tom used to be Danny's psychologist and was saying that Danny did kill Lzzie parks.
Danny had been put in prison.
Now about 13 years later ,Tom was out on a jog with his wife along the river.At that moment Tom's life had change forever on that day,as he ends up saving the life of Danny's,and ends up bring the past and truth out of Danny.
My favourite charaters are Tom as he helps Danny to tell the truth about the past by crossing into his world and Danny because his life had fallen apart and now he is picking up the peices and rebuilding it.
I lkie the book because it is a thrill seeking adventer between good and evil.
I think this book would be suitable for people who pick up a book and to never put it down intil it is finished.
Does Danny admite to the killing of Lizzie parks.
What happens to Tom and his Wife.
And when did Danny get out of prison.
Well you are just going to have to read it.
a book i have recently read is called the hunger games by Suzanne collins.
it is about a girl called katniss everdeen who is in a unhappy vision of the future who is thrown from her poor life in the seam to a horrible gameshow where she has tto hunt killa ndlive off the terrain. katniss is a girl whois not much older than i am and at her age she to deal with alot of pain a suffering now she has to copete with other children from all over the country to stay alive a thrilling book that i was glued to. my favourite part in the book is where at the start of the games where she has to decide what to do to grab weapons and risk being killed or run for safty in the woods .the book is a dedcent length and is very detailed. i would suggest this boook to anyboy because it is very gory at times for exanple when kitniss gets her first kill she shoots him through the neck . the book lasted me a month.
by steven muir
Weirdoes War
A book I have recently read was Weirdoes War by Michael Coleman. The first chapter is about two boys who get stuck underground. The boys are called Daniel and Tozer.
At primary Daniel would stay in at break and lunch while everyone went outside. One day he decided to go out and play a game of rounder’s . One boy hits the ball into the bush and tozer goes to get it but when he was brining out the ball he spotted a cricket ball so he picks that up and throws the ball towards Daniels face.
Daniel and Tozer get stick underground in a cave but with no way out. The search and search but still no way out.
The next school day came and they were in P.E doing a race called race to the roof. You have to climb up the wall bars and touch the roof and climb back down again. Once the people are down the next to people will go. Tozer and Greg were last to go while Tozer was climbing back down he slipped and grabbed onto ropes and starts swinging about. The teacher now calls him monkey.
The whole class was going on a trip today. While they were going to their destination they went through a hill that had been cut in a half. When they reach their point the class is separated into separate rooms. When the class get to their rooms they decide who is getting each bed. Greg and Daniel get the middle two and Tozer gets the one beside the sink.
The next day comes and they are doing trust exercises Tozer has to demonstrate he has to stand on a bench and fall back but he is to scared so he puts one leg out before he falls.
The next comes and the class go on a nature walk. There is an activity where you have to guide your partner through a trail. Tozer is put with Daniel and Daniel guides Tozer through the trail.
Daniel and Tozer get stuck in a cave with only a bit of light. The only way threy can get out is if they work together.
Daniel gets flung into a lake. At supper Axelman ask everyone who done it but no one answers. Lonnie said the boy was wearing a orange waterproof jacket and Axelman looks straight at Tozer. Axelman asks him what colour his jacket is and he says orange.
The next day they were going on a cliff diving place. On the way there Axelman tells them about the places they go through.
Daniel and Tozer are stuck in a cave with no light Daniel reaches into his bag to get his torch and shines it towards the top of the cave, to see if there was an opening.
The next day the class go on a nature walk. Daniel and Tozer are put together as a pair. Tozer finds a gap and goes through it. Daniel follows him in it but they cant get out.
Daniel and Tozer find marker D. They set off to find marker E. To find it they have to cross a wooden bridge.
The boys find Axelman lying on the ground with a rip on his trousers. Tozer says I hope he dies. Daniel feels his pulse and he is alive.
Daniel and Tozer get hut with a powerful wave of water. Daniel tries to help Axelman but Tozrer stands there shouting die Axelman die.
The boys gbet Axelman to a dry passage way. Daniel looks for a way out but there is none wide enough for three of us.
Axelman is took to hospital. The doctors says he will be kept in over night. Daniel and Tozer become friends.
The book I have read is Shooting stars.Its about a boy about 17 who plays with spurs he only plays one game then gets dropped.He gets found playing with a pub team and goes to play with peterbourgh for a year or two.After that he goes to a few other clubs after them.Then his biggest move is to man city.In the last game of the season he scores 3 goals to help them win the league and they still to play the champions league final.
The author of the book is Martin waddell.I would try and find this book because there good and have a good storyline to it.
I would rat this book 10/10 because its good and I like.
By Kieran Heaney
My book was 'New Moon' by Sephenie Meyer
This is the second book in 'The Twilight Saga' about a girl named Bella Swan who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen.
In this book the Cullens (Edwards vampire family) leave after Jasper (Edwards brother) tries to kill Bella after she cut her finger at her birthday party that Alice (Edwards sister) threw for her.
For 3 moths Bella isdepressed so she startd doing thins that are stupid and reckless because she can 'see' him (or she thinks she can).
DurinG the book a vampire named Laurent tries to kill her but is killed by HUGE wolves. Then victoria (another vampire) keeps coming back to kill her but cant get close because of the wolves.
The wolve acctually turn out to be werewolves from the quileute reservation just ot side of the town Bella lives in. Bellas best frien Jacob also turns out to be a wolf.
One day Bella goes cliff diving and Alice sees her (Alice has visions of the future just like Edward can read minds except Bellas) Alice thinks bella was trying to kill herself. Edward finds out and think bella is dead and decides he wants to die too. Alice finds bella and tells her what had happende and its down to Belaa to save him from the Volturi . . .
I have read all of the twilight book and the are all great. Bella is small, vunerable, clumsy and has the worst luck in the world but she manages to stumbly her way throught life.
This is a good book but i recomend you read 'twilight' first or you wont understand what is going on.
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