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Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary school teacher. Now he has written over 100 books and won loads of awards.
Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary school teacher. Now he has written over 100 books and won loads of awards.
Some of Michael's books that are held in the Library are:
Private Peaceful
Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea
Kensuke's Kingdom
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips
War Horse
To find out more about Michael and his books have a look at his website - http://www.michaelmorpurgo.org/index.htm
The book i have recently read is called 'Dear Olly' by Micheal Morpurgo.
Olly's brother Matt decides he wants to go to Africa to entertain children in orphonages. Before he went to Africa he asked Olly to look afetr the swallows in the cheery tree. One of the swallows got hurt because a cat got up to the tree. Olly and her mum looked after him until he was better, they also put a scarlet ring on his leg once he was better, they put the ring on his leg so they could recognise him when he ame back. They also named him Hero.
Hero flew with his flock, he got attacked by a hobby falcon when he lost his flcok. Then the falcon got shot by hunters and it didn't bother Hero again. The ring that Hero had on his leg fell offwhen he got tangled in the hunter's net. Hero met back up with his flock again and he reached Africa, where Matt was.
A boy that Matt looked after ran away, when Matt went to look for him a landmine exploded underneath his foot. Matt ended up in hospital and his leg had to get taken off. HE got a fake leg and went back to his mum and Olly. He told Olly that he learned to walk properly and when the swallows fly again, that he would go back to Africa, to the orphonage.
I enjoyed reading this book. I think it is more the kind of book fro 10-13 year-olds because it isn't hard to read, and it doesn't take long to read.
'Out of the Ashes' by Michael Morpurgo is avery heart warming story about a young girl who lives on a farm. I really enjoyed this book and think that it taught me a lot about how much devastation foot and mouth disease causes to farms. I would recommend it to a 11-14 year old.
Becky is a young 13 year old girl who lives on a farm. She loves every single animal and treasures them. Becky starts of the new year by writing in her diary. Throughout the diary Becky write about her dad,[ who is one of the most important people in her life] mum, horse Ruby, friend Jay and many more. Becky is loving lambing season as her dad given her ewes to birth on her own. Little Josh was Becky's favourite lamb though and Becky loved him. Everything is wonderful for Becky until the news of foot and mouth in a farm 300 miles away hits them. The whole family hopes it won't reach them but it does. All of their new sheep, lambs, cows and other animals are slaughtered, even little Josh. They think they can't go on but eventually when the disease is gone they buy new animals and start again. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it.
the book i have recently read is long way home by micheal morpurgo.
This book is about a boy called George who has been put in lots of foster homesbut he didn't like any of them but when gets put in this foster home he likes it because noone looks at him funny and they all treat him normal.During the story things are fine and then George and storme get lost and tom and his and his dad find them and mrs Dyer Damages her back and has to go to hospital.
I think that this book is good and i enjoyed reading it. My favorite part is when George goes back to the home and knows exactly what is going to happen when one of the workers laugh. I like this part beacause it is funny. My other favorite part is when George tries to do gymnastics and falls. This is my favorite part because he tries to be smart and it doesn't work. My favorite character is George, George is my favorite character because he is cool and doesn't do anything stupid.
I think this book is suitable for children aged over 9 years old. I think people who like Micheal Morpurgo Books would like to read this.
Daniel Dixon
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